Tulsi or holy basil can be found planted in front of most Indian homes due to its importance in Hindu mythology. This plant is regarded as an earthly manifestation of the goddess Tulsi. It is an aromatic shrub known by botanists as Ocimum sanctum belonging to the family Lamiaceae.

Tulsi originated in North Central India and is widely grown throughout the eastern world tropics. In Ayurveda, Tulsi is given many titles like "The Incomparable One", "Mother Medicine of Nature" and "The Queen of Herbs". Tulsi tastes hot and bitter; it penetrates the deep tissues, dry tissue secretions and normalises Kapha and Vata. Keep scrolling down below to know how you can cure a cough with the tulsi. Common Cold Treatment: Home Remedies To Prevent and Treat Sore Throat and Cough During Seasonal Change This Winter.

Tulsi not only helps in curing cough, but its daily consumption has many positive aspects.  It is said that daily intake of Holy Basil helps in improving health, longevity and assist in dealing with the stresses of daily life. The Indian spiritual plant also provides sweetness to the voice and foster beauty, intelligence and stamina. It is said that munching around 10 -12 basil leaves keeps stress at bay. It can also help us provide sound sleep, if taken before sleep. Home Remedy of the Week: 6 Natural Remedies to Reduce Gout Inflammation.

Speaking about home remedy for curing cough with Tulsi or Holy Basil, most of the nutritionists suggest preparing tea with around 1/4th tablespoon of Tulsi leaves. It is also recommended to add 1 tsp of Honey for related health benefits. Click on the video below for Tulsi Kashaya recipe which helps in curing cough.

Instant Home Remedy for Curing Cough(Watch Video):

We quite often forget the natural organic treatment and mostly opt for antibiotic medicine to cure disease like cold and cough. We can avoid regular consumption of medicines for cough, cold and flu and rather choose Tulsi for various health benefits.

(This article is written for an informative purpose and should not be substituted for medical advice. Kindly consult your doctor before trying any tips.)

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Feb 16, 2019 08:00 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).