Are Memes Making You Fat? Yes, Says Study And Here’s How!

For sure these memes are hilarious, but point raised isn't also invalid.

Health & Wellness Shaloo Tiwari|
Are Memes Making You Fat? Yes, Says Study And Here’s How!
Memes could be leading to obesity? (Photo Credit: marvel_and_memez) For representational purposes only.

Memes are what the teenagers feed on these days. While memes are extremely hilarious, fun, mood uplifting and entertaining, there is a flip side to it as well! The free flow of memes has now gathered a lot of hate. The European Parliament, in the month of September, passed a copyright law that some consider 'meme ban.' According to the reports, the meme trend famous on the internet could be a contributing factor to obesity in the UK, according to academics. Memes to Be Banned? European Parliament Votes to Adopt Controversial Copyright Law. 

Researchers from Loughborough University, claimed that online memes could be a major carrier to harmful health-related messages and that also take unhealthy eating habits as a part of the trend. According to ANI, the researchers wrote a letter to the British British parliamentary committee in this context and the letter read, "A substantial number of individuals on Twitter share health-related Internet memes, with both positive and negative messages and many even contain inappropriate material," the letter read. The researches also attached a meme kind of picture that showed an overweight child and was captioned with, "Free food? Count me in!" to prove their point.

The point does make sense when taken in the context of health and wellness of people. There are various memes that can be normalising the unhealthy habits behind humour. These memes may send across the wrong message regarding the unhealthy eating habits.

Take a look at a few such memes that may be taking unhealthy eating habits very lightly-

This seemingly harmless food-love meme.

Possibly be normalising unhealthy eating?


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It do be like that sometimes #dankmemes #foodmemes #healthyfood #healthy #fitnessmemes #burgermemes #burgers #smoothie #shitpost

A post shared by NotNormie (@iquality_shit) on

What do you think about this one?

Health & Wellness Shaloo Tiwari|
Are Memes Making You Fat? Yes, Says Study And Here’s How!
Memes could be leading to obesity? (Photo Credit: marvel_and_memez) For representational purposes only.

Memes are what the teenagers feed on these days. While memes are extremely hilarious, fun, mood uplifting and entertaining, there is a flip side to it as well! The free flow of memes has now gathered a lot of hate. The European Parliament, in the month of September, passed a copyright law that some consider 'meme ban.' According to the reports, the meme trend famous on the internet could be a contributing factor to obesity in the UK, according to academics. Memes to Be Banned? European Parliament Votes to Adopt Controversial Copyright Law. 

Researchers from Loughborough University, claimed that online memes could be a major carrier to harmful health-related messages and that also take unhealthy eating habits as a part of the trend. According to ANI, the researchers wrote a letter to the British British parliamentary committee in this context and the letter read, "A substantial number of individuals on Twitter share health-related Internet memes, with both positive and negative messages and many even contain inappropriate material," the letter read. The researches also attached a meme kind of picture that showed an overweight child and was captioned with, "Free food? Count me in!" to prove their point.

The point does make sense when taken in the context of health and wellness of people. There are various memes that can be normalising the unhealthy habits behind humour. These memes may send across the wrong message regarding the unhealthy eating habits.

Take a look at a few such memes that may be taking unhealthy eating habits very lightly-

This seemingly harmless food-love meme.

Possibly be normalising unhealthy eating?


View this post on Instagram


It do be like that sometimes #dankmemes #foodmemes #healthyfood #healthy #fitnessmemes #burgermemes #burgers #smoothie #shitpost

A post shared by NotNormie (@iquality_shit) on

What do you think about this one?

How is this meme going to affect someone who is trying to eat healthy?

For sure these memes are hilarious, but point raised isn't also invalid. Do you remember the viral, 'distracted boyfriend meme'? An advertising watchdog from Sweden termed it extremely sexist. It is important to keep a check on these memes as they could contribute to shaping the societal thoughts as well.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Oct 22, 2018 11:37 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website

A post shared by 2.6k Snowflakes ❄️ (@xxdead_on_arrivalxx) on

How is this meme going to affect someone who is trying to eat healthy?

For sure these memes are hilarious, but point raised isn't also invalid. Do you remember the viral, 'distracted boyfriend meme'? An advertising watchdog from Sweden termed it extremely sexist. It is important to keep a check on these memes as they could contribute to shaping the societal thoughts as well.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Oct 22, 2018 11:37 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website

ontent/uploads/2025/02/142-47-380x214.jpg" src="" alt="Office Funny Memes and Jokes: Hilarious Instagram Reels for Colleagues and ROFL Meme Templates That Capture the Office Shenanigans & Relatable Work Moments">

Office Funny Memes and Jokes: Hilarious Instagram Reels for Colleagues and ROFL Meme Templates That Capture the Office Shenanigans & Relatable Work Moments

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