Health Benefits of Meditation: How To De-Stress and Maintain Work-Life Balance
Here are 6 benefits of meditation that will certainly help calm down the mind and body assisting with the demands of daily life as well as specific challenges.
When the world around you is insane, and you can't seem to find a moment of peace in the midst of the chaos, it's time to take a step back and rebalance your life post covid pandemic. Earlier, World Meditation Day was celebrated on May 21, 2022. The day brings an invitation to the entire world to participate in this millennia-old practice and clear our minds, remembering that we are people first and workers second. Here are 6 benefits of meditation that will certainly help calm down the mind and body assisting with the demands of daily life as well as specific challenges.
1. Reduces Stress
One of the most common benefits of meditation is reducing stress. A study found that after eight weeks of practising mediation, people reported lower stress levels. Both mental and physical stress can cause the stress hormone cortisol to be released. Meditation Can Make You ‘Error Proof’ By Reducing Your Stress and Increasing Memory, Says Study.
2. Helps With Anxiety
Meditation has been linked to stress reduction, which goes hand in hand with anxiety reduction. A meta-analysis of nearly 1,300 adults found that meditation may reduce anxiety. The effect appears to be stronger in those who are more affected. Yoga, which many consider a form of meditation, has also been shown to help with anxiety.
3. Reduces Blood Pressure
Meditation has also been linked to lower blood pressure in practitioners, making the heart's job of pumping blood through the system easier. According to the National Library of Medicine, a meta-analysis of 12 studies involving nearly 1000 participants discovered that meditation reduced blood pressure. It was most effective in those who already had high blood pressure or in those who were older in the studies.
4. Better Sleep
Meditation has been linked to improved sleep, allowing people to sleep for longer periods of time and decreasing levels of insomnia. It helps relax the body and ease it into better sleep, according to Healthline. It can help you fall asleep faster by releasing tension throughout your body. Just make sure you turn off your phone before going to bed.
5. Improves Emotional Health
Depression is a true global pandemic, affecting approximately 280 million people worldwide. That equates to 5 per cent of adults worldwide, a truly shocking figure. According to this study, meditation improved depression in one review of treatments from over 3,500 adults. If you are experiencing symptoms of depression, practice meditation daily.
6. May Assist With Fighting Addictions
Addicts are willing to take any advantage they can get in the fight against addiction, and it turns out that meditation may be a truly beneficial one. It encourages mental discipline, which has been linked to the breakdown of addictions. The research found that practising transcendental meditation reduced cravings and alcohol use in 60 people suffering from alcohol use disorder in just three months.