With Weed-Beer in the Making, These Weed-Infused Drinks Could Serve as Potions for Stoners Around the World

These are some of the popular cannabis-infused drinks that are available in the world.

Food Riddhi Jadhav|
With Weed-Beer in the Making, These Weed-Infused Drinks Could Serve as Potions for Stoners Around the World
Weed wine and representational beer image (Photo credits: Red Coast and Pixabay)

Marijuana has a lot of social stigmas attached to it. But ask those who enjoy getting high on it, they do not really care. Weed smoking has been a fancy among youngsters today and all said and done about the benefits as well as ill-effects, those who prefer weed will always find it. But as the world gets experimental with cannabis, there are certain brewers who have gone ahead and blended it in drinks. It is also observed that those who really prefer weed do not really look for alcohol. But for someone who prefers both, these drinks could serve as potions!

Indians are only aware of Bhaang as a cannabis-infused drink, but around the world, there are several drinks which infuse marijuana leaves. The latest addition comes with a weed-infused beer being planned by popular Belgian brand Blue Moon. Keith Villa, the founder is focusing on creating THC-laden beer through a new company named Ceria Beverages. It will be non-alcoholic but still get you high! Let us wait to see how that turns out.

Here are some weed-infused drinks are available around the world:

Weed wine:

Weed infused Rebel coast wine (Photo credits: Rebel Coast Winery)

Most of you will know marijuana is legalised in certain parts of the US. Taking advantage of the same was a Californian winery which created the world's first alcohol-free, marijuana-infused Sauvignon Blanc. There is about 16 mg of THC in every bottle. The product is awesome because it offers you the little high of weed, taste of wine and no hangover of the alcohol. Bet, people are loving this way more than expected!

Dixie Elixirs:

This is probably the most known brand when it comes to

Cannabis-infused drinks Dixie Elixir (Photo credits: Dixie Elixir site)

They are manufactured in Colorado and a trusted source for cannabis products. In fact they offer a variety even in the infused-drinks. In beverages, they have a range from Root Beer to Cherry Limeade and Fruit Punch. They also have chocolates, mints to cherry tarts, all promising to make you cheerful, you know what we mean!

Cannabis tea:

Tea-lovers need no reason and specific tea to have their tea. Well weed and tea lovers, this is going to be your preferred drink then! There is a tea in US by the name Subtle Tea (now see what they did there) which has the taste like any other green tea but will give you a small kick, which the green tea fails to. They are tea bags and contain about 40 mg of THC.


CannaPunch flavoured drinks (Photo credits: Behance)

Isn't the name self-explanatory? CannaPunch is infused with cannabis and almost packs a punch! The OMG Bold packs 151mg of activated THC extract in different flavours. This drink is said to have medical use as well. All CannaPunch drinks are vegan, organic, and contain no corn syrup, gluten, or soy. Their infusions are extracted in-house. A fruit blast with a dash of cannabis, why not?


Riddhi Jadhav|
With Weed-Beer in the Making, These Weed-Infused Drinks Could Serve as Potions for Stoners Around the World
Weed wine and representational beer image (Photo credits: Red Coast and Pixabay)

Marijuana has a lot of social stigmas attached to it. But ask those who enjoy getting high on it, they do not really care. Weed smoking has been a fancy among youngsters today and all said and done about the benefits as well as ill-effects, those who prefer weed will always find it. But as the world gets experimental with cannabis, there are certain brewers who have gone ahead and blended it in drinks. It is also observed that those who really prefer weed do not really look for alcohol. But for someone who prefers both, these drinks could serve as potions!

Indians are only aware of Bhaang as a cannabis-infused drink, but around the world, there are several drinks which infuse marijuana leaves. The latest addition comes with a weed-infused beer being planned by popular Belgian brand Blue Moon. Keith Villa, the founder is focusing on creating THC-laden beer through a new company named Ceria Beverages. It will be non-alcoholic but still get you high! Let us wait to see how that turns out.

Here are some weed-infused drinks are available around the world:

Weed wine:

Weed infused Rebel coast wine (Photo credits: Rebel Coast Winery)

Most of you will know marijuana is legalised in certain parts of the US. Taking advantage of the same was a Californian winery which created the world's first alcohol-free, marijuana-infused Sauvignon Blanc. There is about 16 mg of THC in every bottle. The product is awesome because it offers you the little high of weed, taste of wine and no hangover of the alcohol. Bet, people are loving this way more than expected!

Dixie Elixirs:

This is probably the most known brand when it comes to

Cannabis-infused drinks Dixie Elixir (Photo credits: Dixie Elixir site)

They are manufactured in Colorado and a trusted source for cannabis products. In fact they offer a variety even in the infused-drinks. In beverages, they have a range from Root Beer to Cherry Limeade and Fruit Punch. They also have chocolates, mints to cherry tarts, all promising to make you cheerful, you know what we mean!

Cannabis tea:

Tea-lovers need no reason and specific tea to have their tea. Well weed and tea lovers, this is going to be your preferred drink then! There is a tea in US by the name Subtle Tea (now see what they did there) which has the taste like any other green tea but will give you a small kick, which the green tea fails to. They are tea bags and contain about 40 mg of THC.


CannaPunch flavoured drinks (Photo credits: Behance)

Isn't the name self-explanatory? CannaPunch is infused with cannabis and almost packs a punch! The OMG Bold packs 151mg of activated THC extract in different flavours. This drink is said to have medical use as well. All CannaPunch drinks are vegan, organic, and contain no corn syrup, gluten, or soy. Their infusions are extracted in-house. A fruit blast with a dash of cannabis, why not?


Zasp drinks (Photo credits: Zaspco.com)

Zasp drinks describe themselves highly refreshing way to medicate. Their fruity flavour drinks use pure cannabis oil and consistent levels of activated THC. Available in four flavours- Black Cherry, Tangerine, Tropical Punch, and Strawberry Lemonade, they infuse weed and the cool kick for you!

These are some of the popular cannabis-infused drinks that are available mostly in parts of US. For someone who loves weed in drinks combination, these could turn out to be your favourite. We are sure there would be many other such infusions which are available in the world. Do let us know if you know anything exclusively infused with cannabis.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Apr 07, 2018 10:47 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).

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