If you love frozen treats and you are left to choose between ice cream or gelato, which would you pick? What difference does it make? Both are the same, right? Well, no. While both ice creams and gelatos are often confused as one, there is a significant difference between the two sweet treats. And like gelato's fancy name,  it also seems to have a fancy origin. But let us get you more details about the difference between these two. Smoothies and Milkshakes are Not The Same, Know the Difference Between the Beverages.

What is Gelato?

Gelato has its origins in Italy and dates back to the 16th century. This cold treat was enjoyed by the elite until the 19th century. Today it is a much-preferred dessert in Europe and has gained popularity worldwide. The traditional flavours of gelato are vanilla, chocolate, hazelnut, pistachio, and custard. Fruity flavours like peach, strawberry, raspberry, etc. were later introduced. Fries vs Chips Has Divided The Internet, Look What is The Difference Between These Potato Snacks.

What is the Difference Between Gelato and Ice Cream?

The key difference between gelato and ice cream lies in the texture, ingredients, calories and the preparing technique.

  • A gelato is soft, creamy and melts slowly. It is denser compared to ice cream.
  • Ice cream is a frozen treat prepared with milk, cream, sugar, and egg yolks very commonly. A gelato too contains cream, milk and sugar but it doesn't use egg yolks.
  • In calorie count, the gelato has lower calories than ice cream, because the ratio of cream used in making is higher in the later. In terms of butterfat, the Italian gelato has just four to nine percent while ice cream contains 10 percent of the same.
  • The making technique of both these frozen treats includes preparing a custard base. Ice cream is then churned and air is whipped in to add more volume. Gelato is churned very slowly so has less air, which keeps its texture dense.
  • An easier way to differentiate ice cream from gelato is the way they are served. Ice cream is served in scoops because of its thicker consistency. Gelato is served with a spade spoon.

These are some of the basic differences between a gelato and ice cream. Next time you are jonesing for a frozen treat but can't decide between ice cream and gelato, these points will help you make a choice.  If you only care about satiating your summer cravings, then gelato or ice cream, both will do, right?

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jun 27, 2019 11:15 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).