Raksha Bandhan 2022 also known as Rakhi will be observed on Thursday, August 11. According to the Hindu calendar, it falls on the Purnima tithi of the Shravan month. This age-old tradition celebrates the bond between brothers and sisters. The family gets together on this day to celebrate the festival of brothers and sisters. They prepare delicious food items for their guests to make the day even more special. As you celebrate Raksha Bandhan 2022, we at LatestLY, have curated a list of food items that you can prepare and enjoy the day with your loved ones. From Kaju Katli Lotus to Chocolate Laddoos, This Rakhi Make Irresistible Sweets and Dessert at Home.

1. Shahi Pulao

Shahi Pulao is easy to make and quick to eat. Raksha Bandhan is a busy day, therefore try preparing easy and quick dishes so that you don’t get tired in the kitchen itself. Shahi Pulao offers you a delicious taste even though it doesn’t really need much preparation time.

2. Aloo Puri

Aloo Puri is a perfect meal where you don’t have to think much about anything else. It is tummy-filling and perfect for all kinds of celebrations and get-togethers. The best thing about aloo Puri is it will keep you full for a long time period, thus you can enjoy the festival easily.

3. Dahi Bhalla

Dahi Bhalle is quite refreshing and would surely be loved by all your guests as soon as they enter the house. Chilled and tangy served with the right combination of sauces and spices, Dahi Bhalle serves as the perfect starters for the occasion.

4. Kala Chana Chaat

Kala Chana Chaat is quite easy to make and the protein meal is healthy enough to keep you full during the day. It can be enjoyed as a snack or a full breakfast meal. This is the most delicious and nutritious salad cum chaat that you will ever come across.

5. Kesari Kheer

Sweets are a must when it is festival time in India. No celebrations are complete without a meetha. Therefore, Kesari Kheer served chilled is the best dessert you can serve to your brothers, sisters and all the family members as you celebrate the day.

Raksha Bandhan comes in the Saawan month. There is a wide variety of food items that come along the Saawan month that you can enjoy and celebrate the auspicious festival. Therefore, don’t forget to add the above items to your menu as you celebrate the day with your family.

Wishing everyone Happy Raksha Bandhan 2022!

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jul 23, 2022 01:08 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).