Sawan 2022 began on July 14 in North India. It will begin in the western states like Maharashtra on July 29. Now, Sawan or Shravan month is considered to be the most auspicious and holiest in the Hindu calendar. Monday fast or Sawan Somvar Vrat is the most integral part of this month. Shravan Maas is a time when it is advised to follow a sattvic lifestyle. Many devotees observe fast every Monday and worship Lord Shiva. Many women observe a Mangala Gauri Vrat every Tuesday and worship Goddess Parvati. As you observe Sawan 2022, we at LatestLY, have curated a list of recipes that you can try as you fast during the auspicious days of this auspicious month.  What Sawan Somvar Vrat Food To Eat and to Avoid? Here's Everything to Know

Farali Sabudana Potato Rosti

Enjoy this delicious parantha made with potato and Sabu dana as you fast during Sawan. It satisfies the much-needed requirement of carbohydrates and starch to fill the energy gap in fast.

Makhana Cutlet

Makhana Cutlet is a super quick dish that you can make in just 10 minutes. Makhana strengthens the body, reduces burning sensation and quenched thirst.

Rajgira Puri

Rajgira Puri is one of the favourite dishes to try during fasts. It is made with Amaranth flour and is totally gluten-free. You can pair it with aloo ki sabzi or cucumber raita to enjoy the best meal as you fast.

Farali Bhakarwadi

Bhakarwadi is one of the best snacks during fasts packed with flavour and spices. It’s crunchy yet soft and a must-eat as you fast during the Sawan 2022.

Farali Rajgira Sheera

Rajgira Sheera is a perfect sweet dish to keep you pepped up as you fast during Sawan 2022. It requires very few ingredients, is quick to make and even then, promises perfect quality.

Sawan is all about a variety of foods that you get to enjoy. With the rainy weather, you get to treat yourself to so much delicious food. Even as you fast, we make sure that you don’t miss out on any delicious recipe during the auspicious time. Wishing everyone Happy Sawan 2022!

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jul 18, 2022 10:52 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website