Photography is such a beautiful form of art. Over the years, the approach towards clicking pictures has changed drastically with it becoming a career for many. Clicking pictures is no more limited to being a hobby. And to mark this beautiful form of art, a World Photography Day is celebrated every year on August 19. It is a day not limited to just photographers, but anyone with a keen interest in the field. It is a day that promotes the importance of photography. The celebration of this day inspires photographers across the world to share their view of the world with a single picture. It drives a purpose to a photograph. As taking good pictures, uploading them on photo-sharing platforms has become a source of income for many, the interest to venture into this field is on a rise. And it is never too late to begin. If you too are contemplating about the quality of your pictures or not being creative enough, we give you some simple photography tips to take good pictures.

10 Photography Tips for Beginners

  1. First and foremost, do not spend a lot of money into buying great equipment. The best pictures can be taken from the simplest of devices. Having an eye or perspective is most important than having a camera to capture it.
  2. You do not need a DSLR to click good pictures. Today, most smartphone cameras are equipped with top-grade functions and quality. Phone cameras can slowly even replace the DSLRs. So start with the camera that you already have.
  3. A photograph will look appealing if you compose it well. Before you click something, look at it how it pleases you. Look for a subject, decide your foreground and background. Pay attention to what you want to capture and then shoot.
  4. Look for symmetry. There are so many instances of symmetry in and around us. Pillars, trees, building complexes all of these have a symmetry to them. Once you get the symmetry, place your subject in the centre and click. Keep a balance on both the sides, to show the symmetry.
  5. Start shooting regularly. The phrase of practice makes a man perfect is best applicable in photography. Start clicking with what you have. You do not need to go to exotic places to click nature, a garden can also give you greenery. Streets have so many subjects and stories happening at every moment. Keep shooting and study what could have made your pictures better.
  6. Don't be afraid to experiment. You will only learn about the settings of the camera once you know what they do and how they affect your picture. Start experimenting with the basic features, like focus, white balance, brightness and contrast. Eventually, you will get a hang of these things and use them to make better pictures.
  7. The key to making good pictures is clicking them in good lighting. Understand the importance of light and how it affects your frame. It is common knowledge, that any subject standing against the light will be darker in the frame. So study the source of light and compose your pictures likewise. A bad light source can spoil your photograph.
  8. Learn to observe. While clicking anything and everything is easy, try to observe around about what you want to convey. Take a few moments before you click the shutter button. Imagine the photograph in front of your eyes first and then compose it. Your observation skills are only your own and that will make your picture stand out.
  9. Thanks to social media access, there is just so much material of pictures to look from. For example, if you google 'sunset' you will get thousands of images of sunset. Observe how each of them is different from the other. A sunset naturally looks beautiful but think about how can you enhance it in your pictures. Add subjects or look for subjects in the frame (tree, building, clouds etc) which will add to your image.
  10. Have patience. This is last but not least, once you decide to get into photography, you need to build patience. Because a lot of your frames can go wrong over and over again. There could be some unwanted subjects, the pictures may become blur, the lighting may not favour. So overall your pictures may get affected. But that's how you will learn to time them right.

Watch The Video Below:

These are some of the basic things anyone who is getting into photography should remember. There are different ways to edit and enhance your pictures but the first step still remains to get a picture so good that it requires little or no editing. Photography is after all an art form and it will take some time to develop. So keep practising, keep learning, keep clicking. Wish you all a Happy World Photography Day 2019!

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Aug 19, 2019 08:00 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website