Chimpanzees are one of the most magnificent creatures on earth that truly showcase the journey of evolution. The closest relative to humankind, chimpanzees are being celebrated by people across the world with great enthusiasm. This annual celebration on July 14, aka, World Chimpanzee Day, is a significant global event. At a time where chimpanzees are also threatened by the fast-paced globalisation as well as the rising issues of climate change and deforestation, World Chimpanzee Day 2020 is a specially important day to raise awareness about these creatures and how they contribute to our environment. Here is everything you need to know about chimpanzees, their history and the ways of celebrating World Chimpanzee Day. World Chimpanzee Day 2020: Here Are 10 Lesser-Known Facts About the Chimps, Human’s Closest Living Relatives From the Animal Kingdom.

When is World Chimpanzee Day?

As mentioned above, World Chimpanzee Day 2020 will be celebrated on July 14, as is the case every year. On this date in 1960, Dr Jane Goodall first stepped foot in what is now Gombe Stream National Park, Tanzania, to study wild chimpanzees. He has been an active advocate of the remarkable creatures to date and has contributed with some key studies on the history of chimpanzees on earth.

Significance of World Chimpanzee Day

The celebration of World Chimpanzee Day is significant as these creatures are the closest relative that we have in the animal kingdom. However, with the increased cases of wildlife habitat losses, trafficking and other vital issues, chimpanzees have been facing a genuine threat. World Chimpanzee Day celebration aims to raise awareness on this threat and open conversations on ways that we can coexist with the crucial part of the animal kingdom. The key motivation behind this celebration is building a secure and hopeful future for this magnificent species.

How is World Chimpanzee Day Celebrated?

Celebrations for World Chimpanzee Day usually involve an array of on-ground events and activities. The celebrations this year are bound to turn online with the ongoing crisis of COVID-19. However, commemorating this day is more crucial than ever. We need to open more conversations on what we can do to lead a more sustainable life and reduce the threat that chimpanzees are currently faced with.

There are several online conferences as well as events that are raising awareness on this cause. People are also set to cheer on the thousands of volunteers, vets and other specialists who are working tirelessly to save the chimps and build a robust world where they are no longer threatened. Happy World Chimpanzee Day 2020!

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jul 14, 2020 10:26 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website