Pongal is a popular festival celebrated in the south Indian state of Tamil Nadu every year. It marks the end of the winter season and the start of the harvest season in India. Pongal is a four-day celebration, with each day dedicated to various customs and rituals. The first day of the festival is Bhogi Pandigai. The second and most important day of the festival is Thai Pongal. The third and fourth days of the festival are called Mattu Pongal and Kaanum Pongal. Pongal 2025 is being celebrated from Monday, January 13 to Thursday, January 16. During the festival, people decorate their homes, conduct rituals, prepare traditional dishes, and express gratitude for the abundant harvest. It is a time to appreciate nature and the hard work of farmers. Mattu Pongal 2025 Wishes and Greetings: Share Messages, Quotes, HD Images and Wallpapers to Celebrate the Third Day of the Harvest Festival.
Thai Pongal is the main day of the festival, and it is celebrated with a lot of joy and enthusiasm. On this day, families prepare the special dish called Pongal, which is made using freshly prepared harvested rice along with other delicious Pongal dishes. Homes are often decorated with rangolis, beautiful kolam designs, traditional muggulu patterns, and intricate designs made from coloured powder or flowers. These rangolis are drawn at the entrances of homes to welcome guests and invite good luck. The Pongal rangolis add to the festive vibes and make the occasion even more vibrant. If you are looking for Thai Pongal rangoli designs, look no further. Simply scroll below and watch the tutorial videos for ideas and inspiration. Pongal 2025 Full Calendar With Dates of Bhogi, Thai Pongal, Mattu Pongal and Kaanum Pongal: A Celebration of Harvest, Gratitude and New Beginnings.
Thai Pongal Rangoli Designs
Thai Pongal Muggulu Patterns
Thai Pongal Kolam Design
Thai Pongal Rangoli Ideas
We hope you find the inspiration and ideas from the above videos. May this Thai Pongal bring happiness, prosperity, and good health to you and your family. May the spirit of the harvest fill your life with happiness and joy. On that note, here’s wishing everyone a happy Thai Pongal 2025!
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jan 14, 2025 06:00 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).