Shaheed Diwas 2021 HD Images & Wallpapers for Free Download Online: WhatsApp Stickers, Martyrs Day Facebook Messages & Quotes to Mark the Death Anniversary of Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev Thapar and Shivaram Rajguru

Shaheed Diwas is celebrated every year on March 23 to pay tribute to three famous freedom fighters who were killed on this day. Bhagat Singh,Sukhdev Thapar and Shivaram Rajguru were hanged to death for assassinating John Saunders, a British police officer in 1928. Shaheed Diwas is observed to pay tribute to these officers.

Festivals & Events Ahmer Shaikh|
Shaheed Diwas 2021 HD Images & Wallpapers for Free Download Online: WhatsApp Stickers, Martyrs Day Facebook Messages & Quotes to Mark the Death Anniversary of Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev Thapar and Shivaram Rajguru
Shaheed Diwas 2021 Messages (Photo Credits: File Image)

Shaheed Diwas is celebrated every year on March 23 to pay tribute to three famous freedom fighters who were killed on this day. Bhagat Singh,Sukhdev Thapar and Shivaram Rajguru were hanged to death for assassinating John Saunders, a British police officer in 1928. Shaheed Diwas is observed to pay tribute to these officers. Meanwhile, you have arrived at the right page, if you are looking for Shaheed Diwas 2021 HD images, wallpapers, Facebook greetings, WhatsApp stickers and SMS to celebrate Martyrs' Day. Honour the three brave heroes on their death anniversary by sharing Shaheed Diwas 2021 messages, Facebook HD images, Telegram quotes, WhatsApp stickers, Signal photos.

Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev Thapar and Shivaram Rajguru sacrificed their lives for the goal of attaining freedom for our nation and became the face of nationalism. These three fighters had mistook John Saunders for British police superintendent James Scott. It was Scott who had ordered lathi charge, which eventually led to the death of Lala Lajpat Rai. Their death had set an example. And in doing so, they carved out their own path for independence. On Shaheed Diwas, in India, schools and colleges conducts various activities including poetry, speech or drama to pay tribute as well as to salute the revolutionaries. In some areas procession are also led to pay respect to these freedom fighters.

On Shaheed Diwas 2021, many outdoor activities and social gatherings will be avoided due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.However, you can pay homage to these freedom fighters by sending out Shaeed Diwas HD images, wallpapers, GIF and WhatsApp stickers which is available for free download below.

Shaheed Diwas 2021 HD Images (Photo Credits: File Image)

WhatsApp Message Reads: "They may kill me, but they cannot kill my ideas. They can crush my body, but they will not be able to crush my spirit." Bhagat Singh

Festivals & Events Ahmer Shaikh|
Shaheed Diwas 2021 HD Images & Wallpapers for Free Download Online: WhatsApp Stickers, Martyrs Day Facebook Messages & Quotes to Mark the Death Anniversary of Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev Thapar and Shivaram Rajguru
Shaheed Diwas 2021 Messages (Photo Credits: File Image)

Shaheed Diwas is celebrated every year on March 23 to pay tribute to three famous freedom fighters who were killed on this day. Bhagat Singh,Sukhdev Thapar and Shivaram Rajguru were hanged to death for assassinating John Saunders, a British police officer in 1928. Shaheed Diwas is observed to pay tribute to these officers. Meanwhile, you have arrived at the right page, if you are looking for Shaheed Diwas 2021 HD images, wallpapers, Facebook greetings, WhatsApp stickers and SMS to celebrate Martyrs' Day. Honour the three brave heroes on their death anniversary by sharing Shaheed Diwas 2021 messages, Facebook HD images, Telegram quotes, WhatsApp stickers, Signal photos.

Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev Thapar and Shivaram Rajguru sacrificed their lives for the goal of attaining freedom for our nation and became the face of nationalism. These three fighters had mistook John Saunders for British police superintendent James Scott. It was Scott who had ordered lathi charge, which eventually led to the death of Lala Lajpat Rai. Their death had set an example. And in doing so, they carved out their own path for independence. On Shaheed Diwas, in India, schools and colleges conducts various activities including poetry, speech or drama to pay tribute as well as to salute the revolutionaries. In some areas procession are also led to pay respect to these freedom fighters.

On Shaheed Diwas 2021, many outdoor activities and social gatherings will be avoided due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.However, you can pay homage to these freedom fighters by sending out Shaeed Diwas HD images, wallpapers, GIF and WhatsApp stickers which is available for free download below.

Shaheed Diwas 2021 HD Images (Photo Credits: File Image)

WhatsApp Message Reads: "They may kill me, but they cannot kill my ideas. They can crush my body, but they will not be able to crush my spirit." Bhagat Singh

Shaheed Diwas 2021 Messages (Photo Credits: File Image)

WhatsApp Message Reads: Long Live The Revolution

Shaheed Diwas Photos (Photo Credits: File Image)

WhatsApp Message Reads: Shaheedon Ki Chitaon Par Lagenge Har Baras Mele, Watan Par Marne Walon Ka Yahi Baaki Nishan Hoga, Amar Shaheed Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev Aur Rajguru Ke Balidan Diwas Par Koti Koti Naman

Shaheed Diwas 2021 Images (Photo Credits: File Image)

WhatsApp Message Reads: Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev, and Rajguru: The 3 Pillars of India’s Freedom Movement! We Salute You for Your Sacrifice on This Day of Your Martyrdom!

Shaheed Diwas 2021 Facebook Status (Photo Credits: File Image)

WhatsApp Message Reads: Mit Gaye Jo Khushi Se Watan Ke Naam Par; Aao Sachhe Dil Se Unhein Hum Yaad Karein; De Gaye Jo Humein Khuli Hawa Azadi Kee; Aao Aise Shaheedon Ko Sar Jhuka Kar Parnaam Karein!

Watch Video: 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" data-src="" alt="" width="1200" height="675" />

Shaheed Diwas Photos (Photo Credits: File Image)

WhatsApp Message Reads: Shaheedon Ki Chitaon Par Lagenge Har Baras Mele, Watan Par Marne Walon Ka Yahi Baaki Nishan Hoga, Amar Shaheed Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev Aur Rajguru Ke Balidan Diwas Par Koti Koti Naman

Shaheed Diwas 2021 Images (Photo Credits: File Image)

WhatsApp Message Reads: Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev, and Rajguru: The 3 Pillars of India’s Freedom Movement! We Salute You for Your Sacrifice on This Day of Your Martyrdom!

Shaheed Diwas 2021 Facebook Status (Photo Credits: File Image)

WhatsApp Message Reads: Mit Gaye Jo Khushi Se Watan Ke Naam Par; Aao Sachhe Dil Se Unhein Hum Yaad Karein; De Gaye Jo Humein Khuli Hawa Azadi Kee; Aao Aise Shaheedon Ko Sar Jhuka Kar Parnaam Karein!

Watch Video: Patriotic Quotes By Bhagat Singh

Shaheed Diwas WhatsApp Stickers

Download amazing WhatsApp stickers from HERE for Shaheed Diwas 2021. On this occasion, play a part in making the young ones and other members in your family aware about the struggle  and sacrificed made by our heroes Bhagat Singh, Shivaram Rajguru and Sukhdev Thapar.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Mar 23, 2021 07:28 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website

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