The month of Shravan, also known as Sawan Maas, dedicated to Lord Shiva, is considered one of the most sacred periods in the Hindu calendar. During this auspicious time, devotees observe various rituals and fasts, especially on Mondays, known as Shravan Somwars. Sawan Somwars 2024 will begin on July 22 and end on August 19. This period is considered exceptionally sacred for the worship of Shiva. On these Mondays, devotees observe fasts with the hope of receiving Lord Shiva's blessings, which are believed to bring health, wealth, and overall well-being. The observance of Sawan Somwar includes performing various rituals, engaging in prayers, and visiting Shiva temples. Devotees offer milk, fruits, and Bilva (Bael) leaves to the deity as part of their worship practices. The devotees follow certain vrat vidhi during Sawan Somwars. Sawan (Shravan) 2024 Start and End Dates: When Is Sawan Maas Beginning? Know Significance, Traditions and Rituals Related to Holy Month Dedicated to Lord Shiva.

Observing the puja and fasting rituals with devotion is believed to bring divine blessings, prosperity, and spiritual growth. Here are seven auspicious fasting and puja rituals to follow during Shravan Somwar in 2024, ensuring a spiritually enriching experience.

1.  Shravan Somwar Vrat (Fast)

Fasting is a key component of Shravan Somwar observance. Devotees undertake a fast from sunrise to sunset, refraining from consuming grains, legumes, and certain vegetables. The fast can be either Nirjala (without water) or Phalahar (fruits and milk). This practice is believed to purify the mind and body, making one more receptive to divine blessings.

2. Rudra Abhishek (Holy Bath)

Performing Rudra Abhishek, the ritualistic bath of the Shiva Lingam, is an essential part of Shravan Somwar rituals. Devotees offer water, milk, honey, yoghurt, and ghee to the Shiva Lingam while chanting mantras. This ritual symbolises the purification of the soul and the washing away of sins. The Rudra Abhishek is often followed by the application of sandalwood paste and the offering of Bilva (Bael) leaves, which are highly revered by Lord Shiva.

3. Chanting and Prayers

Chanting the Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra, Om Namah Shivaya, and other sacred hymns dedicated to Lord Shiva is a significant practice during Shravan Somwar. Devotees believe that these chants invoke the blessings of Lord Shiva, granting them health, prosperity, and protection from negative energies. Participating in group prayers and attending temple rituals can enhance the spiritual experience.

4. Offering Bilva Leaves

Bilva (Bael) leaves hold a special place in the worship of Lord Shiva. It is believed that offering these trifoliate leaves pleases the deity immensely. Devotees collect fresh Bilva leaves and offer them to the Shiva Lingam while reciting specific prayers. This ritual is said to fulfil wishes and bring peace and prosperity to the devotee's life.

5. Donating to the Needy

Acts of charity and kindness are highly encouraged during the month of Shravan. Donating food, clothes, and other essentials to the needy is considered a worthy deed. Devotees often prepare special meals and distribute them among the poor and needy to seek Lord Shiva's blessings and share their good fortune.

6. Decorating the Shiva Lingam

Devotees decorate the Shiva Lingam with flowers, garlands, and sandalwood. This ritual enhances the aesthetic appeal of the worship space and signifies devotion and reverence for Lord Shiva. Besides, lighting lamps and incense sticks creates a serene and divine atmosphere conducive to meditation and prayer.

7. Reading Shiva Puranas

Reading or listening to the Shiva Purana and other scriptures dedicated to Lord Shiva is a common practice during Shravan Somwar. These texts contain stories, teachings, and hymns that glorify the greatness of Lord Shiva. Engaging with these scriptures deepens the devotee's understanding of the deity and reinforces their faith and devotion.

Observing these seven auspicious rituals during Sawan Somwar 2024 allows devotees to immerse themselves in the divine presence of Lord Shiva. Through fasting, chanting, offering Bilva leaves, performing Rudra Abhishek, and others, devotees can seek the blessings of Lord Shiva for health, prosperity, and spiritual growth. As you follow these rituals, may your devotion and reverence be rewarded with divine grace and fulfillment.

(The information provided here is based on beliefs and legends only. Before applying any information in real life, consult the concerned expert.)

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jul 15, 2024 10:34 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website