This year, the auspicious month of Shravan, also known as Sawan, begins on July 4, 2023, and ends on August 31, 2023. The first Monday of Sawan month 2023 will fall on July 10. It is a time of tremendous significance for Shiva devotees who observe a Monday fast for the entire month to obtain the lord Shiva's grace. Unmarried women obey this crucial deadline to find the life mate of their choosing. The vratin, or devotee, has the choice of fasting during the first four to five Somwars, or Mondays, of the Sawan month or for up to solah somvar or sixteen Mondays. Many happily married women fast for 16 Mondays. Sawan Somwar Vrat 2023 Dates: When Is Malmas? Know Shravan Somvar Fasting Days, Significance of Adhik Maas.

Sawan Somwar 2023 Dos

  • On the first day of Sawan Somwar, one must begin by making a sankalp, or vow, that they will observe the fast honestly and according to all the procedures.
  • Clean the house after bathing and getting up early in the morning. In the northeast corner of the home, in front of the idol or portrait of Lord Shiva, sprinkle some gangajal.
  • Perform Lord Shiva's aarti after making a sankalp.
  • Water, curd, milk, sugar, ghee, honey, panchamrit, vastra, janeyu, chandan, raw rice, flowers, bel patra, bhang, dhatoora, kamal gatta, prasad, paan supari, laung, elaichi, mewa, and dakshina should all be included in the puja samagri.
  • The vrat food should be consumed once in the evening for those who are fasting.
  • Do daily, Lord Shiva Jalabhishek, to win his favour and elicit his divine blessings.
  • Devotees can also perform the Lord Shiva Abhishek in accordance with their horoscope sign.
  • Early in the morning, Panchamrit Abhishek of Lord Shiva (a concoction of milk, honey, sugar, curd, and ghee) is said to be lucky. Bilva leaves can also be offered to Lord Shiva by devotees.
  • It is very beneficial to worship the Rudraksha and wear a Rudraksha Mala in Sawan.
  • Additionally, devotees should recite Lord Shiva's mantras while wearing a Rudraksha Mala.
  • Only once in the evening is vrat food (special food for fasting) allowed for those who are fasting.

Sawan 2023 (File Image)

Sawan Somwar 2023 Don'ts

  • It is forbidden to use turmeric, ketki flowers, or tulsi leaves when worshipping Lord Shiva.
  • Milk shouldn't be consumed throughout the month of Sawan.
  • As tamsik foods, garlic, onion, masoor dal, and brinjal should be avoided by those, who are fasting.
  • Hindus should abstain from non-vegetarian food and drink throughout the month of Sawan.
  • Men should refrain from shaving for the whole Sawan Month if they have made the decision to observe the Sawan fast.
  • After making the sankalp fast in Sawan, breaking the fast in the middle is viewed as sinful.

During this month, festivals such as Sawan Somvar, Mangala Gauri Vrat, Hariyali Amavasya, Hariyali Teej, and Rakshabandhan are observed. Every Sawan Monday, a fair is often conducted in most Shiva temples. Every Tuesday of the Sawan month also sees the observance of Mangal Gauri Vrat. During their fast in the month of Sawan, followers of the religion should adhere to the guidelines and customs outlined in the scriptures.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jul 03, 2023 08:25 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website