Rajmata Jijau Jayanti 2021 Marathi Status Messages and HD Images: WhatsApp Wishes, Greetings and Quotes in Remembrance of Rajmata Jijabai, Mother of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj

If it was not for Rajmata Jijau's courage and bravery to stand by her son, show him the path of Swarajya, the great Maratha empire would not have been possible. And remembering her brave contributions, people exchange honourary messages on Jijau Jayanti.

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Rajmata Jijau Jayanti 2021 Marathi Status Messages and HD Images: WhatsApp Wishes, Greetings and Quotes in Remembrance of Rajmata Jijabai, Mother of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj
Rajmata Jijabai Jayanti (Photo Credits: File Image)

It is a significant day for all Marathi community and devoted followers of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, as it marks Jijabai Jayanti. Refered as Rajmata Jijabai or Jijau, she was the mother of Shivaji Maharaj, the brave Maratha leader. If it was not for Rajmata Jijau's courage and bravery to stand by her son, show him the path of Swarajya, the great Maratha empire would not have been possible. And remembering her brave contributions, people exchange honourary messages on Jijau Jayanti. People share pictures of Rajmata Jijabai along with quotes, chants like "Rajmata Jijau Ki Jai" and keep status messages. If you are looking for Rajmata Jijamata jayanti wishes and messages in Marathi, greetings and honourable quotes, then we have made a beautiful collection here.

Rajmata Jijabai was considered a strong pillar of the Swarajya movement. Born in a family of Kshatriyas, Jijabai was actually the princess of Devgiri. She instilled a sense of patriotism in her son Shivajiraje. She highlighted his importance of serving the nation as his Dharma and taught him the techniques of warfare which made him not just a powerful leader but among the greatest ones of the Maratha empire. Thus, everyone pays their respects to Rajmata Jijau honouring her immense contribution in son Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj's life. We have made a beautiful collection of Rajmata Jijamata Jayanti messages, images, greetings with quotes to send and share on social media today. We also have quotes on Jijau in Marathi which can be kept as WhatsApp status messages.

Rajmata Jijamata Jayanti 2021 Images (Photo Credits: File Image)

Message Reads: Swarajya Jannani Rajmata Jijabai Jayanti Nimitta Hardik Abhivadan

Rajmata Jijabai Jayanti (Photo Credits: File Image)

It is a significant day for all Marathi community and devoted followers of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, as it marks Jijabai Jayanti. Refered as Rajmata Jijabai or Jijau, she was the mother of Shivaji Maharaj, the brave Maratha leader. If it was not for Rajmata Jijau's courage and bravery to stand by her son, show him the path of Swarajya, the great Maratha empire would not have been possible. And remembering her brave contributions, people exchange honourary messages on Jijau Jayanti. People share pictures of Rajmata Jijabai along with quotes, chants like "Rajmata Jijau Ki Jai" and keep status messages. If you are looking for Rajmata Jijamata jayanti wishes and messages in Marathi, greetings and honourable quotes, then we have made a beautiful collection here.

Rajmata Jijabai was considered a strong pillar of the Swarajya movement. Born in a family of Kshatriyas, Jijabai was actually the princess of Devgiri. She instilled a sense of patriotism in her son Shivajiraje. She highlighted his importance of serving the nation as his Dharma and taught him the techniques of warfare which made him not just a powerful leader but among the greatest ones of the Maratha empire. Thus, everyone pays their respects to Rajmata Jijau honouring her immense contribution in son Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj's life. We have made a beautiful collection of Rajmata Jijamata Jayanti messages, images, greetings with quotes to send and share on social media today. We also have quotes on Jijau in Marathi which can be kept as WhatsApp status messages.

Rajmata Jijamata Jayanti 2021 Images (Photo Credits: File Image)

Message Reads: Swarajya Jannani Rajmata Jijabai Jayanti Nimitta Hardik Abhivadan

Rajmata-Jijabai-Jayanti-Message (Photo Credits: File Image)

Message Reads: Jai Jijau!

Rajmata Jijamata Jayanti 2021 HD Images (Photo Credits: File Image)

Message Reads: Rajmata Jijau Jayanti Nimitta Vandan

Rajmata Jijamata Jayanti 2021 HD Images (Photo Credits: File Image)

Message Reads: Rajmata Jijau Yanna Manacha Mujra!

Rajmata-Jijabai-Jayanti-Message (Photo Credits: File Image)

Message Reads: Rajmata Jijabai Yanchya Jayanti Nimitta Vinamra Abhivadan!

Rajmata Jijabai Jayanti is a day to celebrate a mother's valour and honouring her for moulding a strong leader. Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj remains one of the most honoured and brave leaders the nation has seen and his mother plays a key role. On Rajmata Jijabai Jayanti, we pay our respects to Jijau.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jan 12, 2021 09:32 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.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" data-src="https://st1.latestly.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/Rajmata-Jijamata-Jayanti-5.jpg" alt="" width="1200" height="675" />

Message Reads: Rajmata Jijau Yanna Manacha Mujra!

Rajmata-Jijabai-Jayanti-Message (Photo Credits: File Image)

Message Reads: Rajmata Jijabai Yanchya Jayanti Nimitta Vinamra Abhivadan!

Rajmata Jijabai Jayanti is a day to celebrate a mother's valour and honouring her for moulding a strong leader. Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj remains one of the most honoured and brave leaders the nation has seen and his mother plays a key role. On Rajmata Jijabai Jayanti, we pay our respects to Jijau.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jan 12, 2021 09:32 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).

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