Propose Day 2019: Avoid These Mistakes While Proposing to Your Love This Valentine Week

These are some of the basic things that one should be careful about if you are planning to ask out your partner or make a big move in your relationship of taking it to the next step.

Festivals & Events Riddhi Jadhav|
Propose Day 2019: Avoid These Mistakes While Proposing to Your Love This Valentine Week
Propose Day (Photo Credits: Pixabay)

Proposing to your potential partner or crush is one of the most stressful tasks. And as Valentine's Day is around the corner, it is a good time to take the next step. If you have been thinking about popping the big question or just expressing your feelings for your loved one, then it is a good time to take that chance. And if you have already planned a proposal to seize the opportunity of the week of love or rather the Propose Day, be sure you don't mess it up with any minor mistakes. It is advised to make your best impression so that you get a positive response. Propose Day 2019 will be celebrated on February 8 and it is good time you seize the opportunity and pop the question and convey your feelings. Propose Day 2019: Best Places to Propose to Your Partner This Valentine’s Week.

Planning a proposal is also a big task and requires a lot of thought. You have to decide on the place, the setting, your clothes, what exactly you are going to say and a lot more things. And all of this can put you into a nervousness rather than the confidence to ask your partner out. And one mistake in that nervousness can turn your proposal into a fiasco. Here are some mistakes you should avoid while proposing to your partner. Propose Day 2019: Most Romantic Proposal Ideas To Woo Your Love Interest This Valentine Week And Make Sure You Get a YES!

Bad Language Skills: 

Whatever language you choose to convey your feelings in, make sure you ace your dialogues. Do not try to jumble up words for putting forth your proposal. Bad grammar will end up you getting laughed at. So be concise with what you want to say and be perfect at it. Don't fumble as it will show your underconfidence.

Pretending to be Someone You Are Not: 

Often to cast a very good impression and get a 'yes', you can tend to go overboard while you propose. Do not try to imitate any of the film stunts, until your crush is a die-hard Bollywood fan. Do not pretend to be someone you are not in your regular life, because that will give a wrong impression of you in front of your partner. Keep it simple and sober instead of going extravagant and ending up looking ostentatious.

Having Bad Breath: 

Leave no chance for bad breath. Rinse your mouth. It can be a big turn off if you are smelling bad. If you are lucky enough to seal it with a kiss, you don't want to risk it.

Showy Appearance:

Your appearance is important on the day of your proposal. Make sure you are in your best-dressed appearance and have groomed yourself well. Your crush/ partner might have known you well for so many days but that doesn't leave any chance for you, to keep it extremely casual for the big moment.

Being Stingy:

It is a big day, make it worth all the hype. Keep a budget and take him/ her out to a nice place, spend a little more and make it a classy memory that they will remember. Instead of keeping it very regular, make it special and thus leave your partner spellbound. Make your proposal a highlight that he/she will remember forever.

These are some of the basic things that one should be careful about if you are planning to ask out your partner or make a big move in your relationship of taking it to the next step. We hope you have good luck on your side as you take the big move. Wish You a Very Happy Propose Day and a successful Valentine's Week!

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Feb 06, 2019 06:47 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website

Propose Day 2019: Avoid These Mistakes While Proposing to Your Love This Valentine Week
Propose Day (Photo Credits: Pixabay)

Proposing to your potential partner or crush is one of the most stressful tasks. And as Valentine's Day is around the corner, it is a good time to take the next step. If you have been thinking about popping the big question or just expressing your feelings for your loved one, then it is a good time to take that chance. And if you have already planned a proposal to seize the opportunity of the week of love or rather the Propose Day, be sure you don't mess it up with any minor mistakes. It is advised to make your best impression so that you get a positive response. Propose Day 2019 will be celebrated on February 8 and it is good time you seize the opportunity and pop the question and convey your feelings. Propose Day 2019: Best Places to Propose to Your Partner This Valentine’s Week.

Planning a proposal is also a big task and requires a lot of thought. You have to decide on the place, the setting, your clothes, what exactly you are going to say and a lot more things. And all of this can put you into a nervousness rather than the confidence to ask your partner out. And one mistake in that nervousness can turn your proposal into a fiasco. Here are some mistakes you should avoid while proposing to your partner. Propose Day 2019: Most Romantic Proposal Ideas To Woo Your Love Interest This Valentine Week And Make Sure You Get a YES!

Bad Language Skills: 

Whatever language you choose to convey your feelings in, make sure you ace your dialogues. Do not try to jumble up words for putting forth your proposal. Bad grammar will end up you getting laughed at. So be concise with what you want to say and be perfect at it. Don't fumble as it will show your underconfidence.

Pretending to be Someone You Are Not: 

Often to cast a very good impression and get a 'yes', you can tend to go overboard while you propose. Do not try to imitate any of the film stunts, until your crush is a die-hard Bollywood fan. Do not pretend to be someone you are not in your regular life, because that will give a wrong impression of you in front of your partner. Keep it simple and sober instead of going extravagant and ending up looking ostentatious.

Having Bad Breath: 

Leave no chance for bad breath. Rinse your mouth. It can be a big turn off if you are smelling bad. If you are lucky enough to seal it with a kiss, you don't want to risk it.

Showy Appearance:

Your appearance is important on the day of your proposal. Make sure you are in your best-dressed appearance and have groomed yourself well. Your crush/ partner might have known you well for so many days but that doesn't leave any chance for you, to keep it extremely casual for the big moment.

Being Stingy:

It is a big day, make it worth all the hype. Keep a budget and take him/ her out to a nice place, spend a little more and make it a classy memory that they will remember. Instead of keeping it very regular, make it special and thus leave your partner spellbound. Make your proposal a highlight that he/she will remember forever.

These are some of the basic things that one should be careful about if you are planning to ask out your partner or make a big move in your relationship of taking it to the next step. We hope you have good luck on your side as you take the big move. Wish You a Very Happy Propose Day and a successful Valentine's Week!

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Feb 06, 2019 06:47 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website

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Festivals & Events

Breakup Day 2025 Quotes: Heart-Touching Messages, Sayings, Greetings, HD Wallpapers and Images That Will Help You Mend Your Heart and Move On Post Breakup

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Breakup Day 2025 Songs' Playlist: 'The Breakup Song', 'Mera Intkam Dekhegi' and Other Bollywood Heartbreak Songs That Are Peppy, Emotional and Tug Your Emotions!

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