Occult Day is an annual observance that is held on November 18. This year, the day falls on Friday. Occult Day is day to find and get involved in the depths of the mysteries that surround us and take a deep dive into the unknown mystic world. The occult is a category of esoteric supernatural beliefs and practices which generally fall outside the scope of religion and science. It can also refer to supernatural ideas. The word ‘occult’ has a Latin origin, which means ‘hidden knowledge’ or ‘the knowledge of the unknown.’ Several cultures have some occultic elements and this day is dedicated to better understanding such concepts. Occult Day encourages talks about occult beliefs and practices. The day encourages people to explore the hidden, beyond the natural world or everyday life. Let us understand more about occultism, its beliefs and practices. Are You Superstitious? From Seeing Black Cat to Broken Mirror, 5 Most Common Superstitions in India and Across the World.

History of Occult Day

As per history, the term occult sciences was used in 16th-century Europe to refer to astrology, alchemy, and natural magic. These elements are considered pseudosciences today. Over the course of its history, the term occultism has been used in different ways. In 19th-century France, the term occultism emerged amongst Antoine Court de Gebelin and was then associated with various French esoteric groups connected to Eliphas Levi and Papus. In 1875, the term was introduced into the English language by the esotericist Helena Blavatsky.

As per historical records, the term occultism was used by different authors in the 20th century. However, by the 21st century, occultism was commonly used even by academic scholars of esotericism. Often, occultism is used to categorise such esoteric traditions as Spiritualism, Theosophy, Anthroposophy, the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, and the New Age.

Significance of Occult Day

The day holds great significance as it delves into the unknown, in the existence of secret, mysterious and supernatural things around us. The term ‘occult’ refers to the practices related to mysticism, spirituality, and esoteric arts like alchemy, future sight, healing, and supernatural gifts, among others. It involves mysticism, spirituality and magic.

Occult qualities are properties that have no known rational explanation. The beliefs in occultism are too vast and can be followed by different religious and cultural means. Occult practices have been going on for a very long time. The popular way of occultism includes the Ouija board or spirit board which is used to contact the dead.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Nov 18, 2022 02:12 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).