National Onion Day is an annual event in the United States of America that is celebrated on June 27. The special day dedicated to onions celebrates its versatility and its unique flavour and health benefits. Onion come in different colours and types and are found in large numbers in several countries around the world. From the basic red onions, white onions, yellow onions, to shallots, all types of onions have a distinct taste of their own. Onions are used in a number of dishes right from soups and stews to salads and sauces and have been a staple in diets worldwide for centuries. National Onion Day 2024: From Onion Rings to Kanda Bhajji, Easy Step-by-Step Videos To Make Delicious Onion Recipes at Home. 

National Onion Day highlights the versatility of onions in cooking and encourages people to explore new recipes. On this day, people usually oreganise community events highlighting the role of onions in our diet. In this article, let’s know more about National Onion Day 2024 date and the significance of the annual US observance.

National Onion Day 2024 Date

National Onion Day 2024 is celebrated on Thursday, June 27.

National Onion Day Significance

National Onion Day 2024 serves as an excellent opportunity to appreciate the culinary and cultural significance of onions, which are a staple in kitchens around the world. The holiday marks the National Onion Association's anniversary, founded in 1913 to support the American farmers. Onions are an important ingredient in many cuisines and are packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. They have numerous health benefits like supporting heart health and boosting the immune system. The day also recognises the importance of onion farming and the hard work of farmers who cultivate this essential crop.

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