The moon crescent of Muharram 2022 or Hijri Year 1444 has not been sighted in Oman and Saudi Arabia today. Therefore, there will be the 30th of Dhul-Hijjah 1443 AH in both countries. And the first day of Muharram 1444 will be on July 30, 2022 (Saturday).Oman Announces First Day of Muharram 2022:
Muharram 2022 to Star on July 30 in KSA, Check Below:Oman announces first day of Muharramhttps://t.co/WTByGG8Xc6— Arabian Daily (@arabiandailys) July 28, 2022
NEWS || The crescent marking the start of the new Islamic year (1444) could not be seen at observatories in Saudi Arabia.Therefore, tomorrow, Friday, will be the completion of the month of Dhul-Hijjah and on Saturday will be the first day of the month of Muharram.#محرم_1444 pic.twitter.com/DTEimENUEa— Haramain Archive (@haramainarchive) July 28, 2022

Maghrib salah (evening prayer) started in Mecca and Medina in Saudi Arabia as people in the holy cities to search moon crescent for Muharram 1444 today.
#muharram2022 #maghrib salah started in holy city of #Mecca and #medina , moon sighting post namaaz#moonsighting— Abdulkadir/ अब्दुलकादिर (@KadirBhaiLY) July 28, 2022

Muslims in the holy city of Mecca and Medina in Saudi Arabia will try to find a crescent for Muharram 2022 after maghrib salah (evening prayer).Check Tweet Here:
#Muslims in holy city of #Mecca and #Medina will look for cresent after #Maghrib Salah,#muharram2022 #muharram1444 #muharrammoon #chand— Abdulkadir/ अब्दुलकादिर (@KadirBhaiLY) July 28, 2022

The moon crescent of Muharram 2022 or Hijri Year 1444 has not been sighted in Oman and Saudi Arabia today. Therefore, there will be the 30th of Dhul-Hijjah 1443 AH in both countries. And the first day of Muharram 1444 will be on July 30, 2022 (Saturday).Oman Announces First Day of Muharram 2022:
Muharram 2022 to Star on July 30 in KSA, Check Below:Oman announces first day of Muharramhttps://t.co/WTByGG8Xc6— Arabian Daily (@arabiandailys) July 28, 2022
NEWS || The crescent marking the start of the new Islamic year (1444) could not be seen at observatories in Saudi Arabia.Therefore, tomorrow, Friday, will be the completion of the month of Dhul-Hijjah and on Saturday will be the first day of the month of Muharram.#محرم_1444 pic.twitter.com/DTEimENUEa— Haramain Archive (@haramainarchive) July 28, 2022

Maghrib salah (evening prayer) started in Mecca and Medina in Saudi Arabia as people in the holy cities to search moon crescent for Muharram 1444 today.
#muharram2022 #maghrib salah started in holy city of #Mecca and #medina , moon sighting post namaaz#moonsighting— Abdulkadir/ अब्दुलकादिर (@KadirBhaiLY) July 28, 2022

Muslims in the holy city of Mecca and Medina in Saudi Arabia will try to find a crescent for Muharram 2022 after maghrib salah (evening prayer).Check Tweet Here:
#Muslims in holy city of #Mecca and #Medina will look for cresent after #Maghrib Salah,#muharram2022 #muharram1444 #muharrammoon #chand— Abdulkadir/ अब्दुलकादिर (@KadirBhaiLY) July 28, 2022

The Crescent moon for Muharram 2022 is not sighted in Kuwait today i.e July 28 and the first day of Hijri Year 1444 falls on July 30 in the country according to the Kuwaiti International Astronomy Center."The International Astronomy Center announced that the first of the month of Muharram for the Hijri year 1444 will be on Saturday, July 30, 2022", tweeted Hamak Kuwaiti newspaper.
أعلن مركز الفلك الدولي أن غرة شهر محرم للسنة الهجرية 144، ستكون يوم السبت الموافق لـ30 يوليو 2022.https://t.co/fVyeeeHrhJ#العام_الهجري_الجديد #حماك#محرم_1444 pic.twitter.com/ZDgYRl5PZM— صحيفة حماك الكويتية (@hmakorg) July 28, 2022

Crescent for Muharram 1444 is not yet sighted in Saudi Arabia, UAE, Iraq, and the rest of the Middle East. Committees in Gulf countries ask people to look for the Muharram Moon 2022 today i.e. Thursday, July 28, 2022 (after Maghreb Salah).Check Tweet:
#muharram2022moon sighting, Still no information about crescent in #KSA, #UAE and Rest of Middle East#muharram1444— Abdulkadir/ अब्दुलकादिर (@KadirBhaiLY) July 28, 2022