Mumbai, November 28: Jyotiba Phule, born Jyotirao Govindrao Phule was a social reformer who fought against the untouchability and caste system and also worked for the empowerment of women. Jyotiba Phule was born on April 11, 1827, in Maharashtra. Maharashtrian social activist Vithalrao Krishnaji Vandekar gave him the title of Mahatma on May 11, 1888.

Mahatma Phule formed Satyashodhak Samaj in 1848 to work towards social and economic benefits for the lower castes in Maharashtra. Upon realising that education is the only solution for empowerment and uplifting of the women and oppressed sections of society, he along with his wife, Savitribai Phule opened the first school for girls in 1848.

On his death anniversary, here are a few inspirational quotes by the social reformer: 

Quote Reads: कोणताही 'धर्म' ईश्वराने निर्माण केलेला नाही आणि  'चातुर्वण्य' व 'जातिभेद' ही निर्मिती मानवाचीच आहे.

Quote Reads: नीती हाच मानवी जीवनाचा आधार आहे.

Quotes Read: समाजातील खालच्या वर्गाची तोपर्यंत बुद्धिमत्ता,नैतिकता, प्रगती आणि समृद्धीचा विकास होणार नाही जोपर्यंत त्यांना शिक्षण दिले जात नाही.

Quotes Read: विद्येविना मती गेली। मतिविना नीती गेली। नीतिविना गती गेली। गतिविना वित्त गेले। वित्ताविना शूद्र खचले। इतके अनर्थ एका अविद्येने केले।

Mahatma Phule died on November 28, 1890, in Pune. He was against child marriages but was in support of remarriage of widows and started a home for newborn infants to prevent female infanticide. He wrote 16 books on the social awakening of a large section of society who were oppressed by the atrocities of upper castes and the British.

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