January 15, 2025, Special Days: The Makar Sankranti week continues in India with following festivals like Magh Bihu in Assam, Mattu Pongal in Tamil Nadu and Kanuma festival in Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. One of the most important national observances celebrated in India is Indian Army Day or Sena Diwas. Apart from this, there are fun food days falling on January 15. There are important birthdays and birth anniversaries taking place on the day. January 2025 Festivals, Events and Holidays Calendar: Complete List of Important National and International Days and Dates.

List of Festivals & Events Falling on January 15, 2025 (Wednesday)

  1. India Army Day
  2. Mattu Pongal in Tamil Nadu
  3. Magh Bihu in Assam
  4. Kanuma Festival in Telangana
  5. National Bagel Day
  6. National Booch Day
  7. National Fresh Squeezed Juice Day
  8. National Hat Day
  9. National Pothole Day
  10. National Strawberry Ice Cream Day
  11. Wikipedia Day
  12. Energy Saving Week

Famous January 15 Birthdays and Birth Anniversaries

  1. Martin Luther King Jr.
  2. Pritish Nandy (1951-2025)
  3. Regina King
  4. Saifuddin Kitchlew (1888-1963)
  5. Dimple Yadav
  6. Khashaba Dadasaheb Jadhav (1926-1984)
  7. Rahul Ramakrishna
  8. Bhanupriya
  9. Mayawati
  10. Vikram Prabhu
  11. Neil Nitin Mukesh
  12. Ibn Saud (1875-1953)
  13. Skrillex
  14. Shane McMahon
  15. Pitbull

January 14, 2025, Special Days.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jan 15, 2025 02:19 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).