Jalandhar, June 20: Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann on Tuesday performed flexible feats in a mass session with an estimated 15,000 people at the "CM di Yogshala" at the PAP grounds here and asked people to make yoga part of their life. Sporting a yellow turban and a yoga T-shirt, Mann said that attending the yoga event had given him energy and strength. International Yoga Day 2023: Easy Yoga Asanas With Names and Pictures for Beginners To Follow a Healthy Routine.

Describing yoga as a "panacea" for stress, he said, "We want our Punjab to be healthy, people do their work with positive energy, waking up early in the morning and doing yoga keeps you full of energy throughout the day. So make yoga a part of your life." Yoga With Modi: Ahead of International Yoga Day 2023, PM Narendra Modi Shares Video Depicting Various Yoga Asanas, Says Yoga Holds Profound Benefits For Body and Mind.

Chief Minister Mann along with Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal on April 6 launched the "CM di Yogshala" campaign in Patiala. Under this, residents will be provided with yoga and meditation facilities.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jun 20, 2023 10:35 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).