Every year on the last Saturday of March, from 8:30 pm to 9:30 pm, cities and towns across the world switch off their lights as a symbol of commitment to the planet. The duration is called Earth Hour, and the observation is associated with climate change and save the planet. Earth Hour Day 2020 is today, March 28. Countries and territories worldwide participate at this hour to raise awareness for energy consumption and effects on the environment. To encourage you and highlight the importance of the occasion, below are some Earth Hour Day 2020 quotes. These inspirational sayings are accurate to share and show the world you care for the green planet Earth. ‘Who Invented Earth Hour?’ to ‘Does Earth Hour Make a Difference?’ 5 FAQS on the Observance in Support of Nature.
The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), decided last Saturday of March to be observed as Earth Hour Day. The first-ever Earth Hour Day was celebrated on March 31, 2007, in Sydney, Australia. San Francisco took inspiration and organised their own lights out in October that year. This motivated the organisers and WWF decided to make this observation as an international event. Earth Hour 2020 Date: Significance of the Observance That Encourages to Switch Off Lights in Support of Nature.
Earth Hour Day 2020 celebration will be different this time, as the world will be sitting at home, because of the novel coronavirus outbreak. But you can share your thoughts by participating in the virtual celebration too. Send these Earth Hour Day 2020 quotes and inspirational sayings to celebrate mother Earth and encourage the importance of energy consumption and its effects on the environment.

1. We Won’t Have a Society if We Destroy the Environment. – Margaret Mead

2. What Is the Use of a House if You Haven’t Got a Tolerable Planet to Put It On? ― Henry David Thoreau

3. A Nation That Destroys Its Soils Destroys Itself. Forests Are the Lungs of Our Land, Purifying the Air and Giving Fresh Strength to Our People. ― Franklin D. Roosevelt

4. The Environment Is Where We All Meet; Where We All Have a Mutual Interest; It Is the One Thing All of Us Share. -Lady Bird Johnson

5. The Earth Is What We All Have in Common. —Wendell Berry

6. He That Plants Trees Loves Others Beside Himself. -Thomas Fuller

7. Earth Provides Enough to Satisfy Every Man’s Needs, but Not Every Man’s Greed. ― Mahatma Gandhi

8. Trees Are Earth’s Endless Effort to Speak to the Listening Heaven. -Rabindranath Tagore
The benefit of Earth Hour Day celebration is that it can be observed at the comfort of your home. Participate in the global movement while quarantining and respecting Mother Nature.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Mar 28, 2020 08:00 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).