Holy Week 2024 Calendar: From Palm Sunday to Holy Saturday, Here Are Key Dates and the Schedule of the Holy Week Observance

The Holy Week is the week leading up to Easter. It is the last week of the lent season. It starts with Palm Sunday, the Sunday before Easter. Easter marks the end of the Lent period. Scroll down for the schedule and key dates of Holy Week 2024.

Holy Week 2024 (File Image)

Christians around the world come together to observe a special week—the Holy Week. This year, the Holy Week starts on March 24, 2024. The Holy Week is a time when Christians remember the last week Jesus spent on Earth, the suffering he endured, his death, and the important events leading up to his resurrection on Easter Sunday. The Holy Week is really important, as it helps people feel and understand what Jesus went through. It's like taking a journey through his final days here with us. The Holy Week starts on the Sunday before Easter and goes until Saturday. The exact dates change each year, depending on when Easter Sunday falls. The Holy Week begins with Palm Sunday. Then we have Maundy Thursday and Good Friday, which are more solemn days. These are the days when we remember the Last Supper and Jesus' crucifixion. But it doesn't end there. The Holy Week finishes with Easter Sunday, the happiest day for Christians all over the world. It's when Jesus rising from the dead is celebrated, showing that love and life are stronger than anything else. Throughout the Holy Week, Christians spend time in introspection, renewing their faith, and celebrating the love and sacrifice Jesus had for people. It's a time for reflection, prayer, and coming together as a community. Which Days During Holy Week Should You Be Wishing On? From Good Friday to Easter Sunday, Know the Right Way to Extend Greetings.

The Holy Week starts off with Palm Sunday, which falls on March 24, 2024. It's a special day when Christians worldwide remember and celebrate the time Jesus entered Jerusalem as a saviour and king. Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey, and a big crowd gathered, laying palm branches and their cloaks on the road, giving him a royal welcome. The next observance in Holy Week is Maundy Thursday, March 28, 2024. It was the last Thursday of Jesus's life before he was crucified. This Thursday, just before Easter, is when Jesus had his Last Supper with his disciples. During this meal, Jesus did something very humble and remarkable. He washed the feet of his disciples and told them to do the same for others. Then comes Good Friday, which is a really important day for Christians worldwide. This year, Good Friday will be observed on March 29, 2024. Good Friday is the day Jesus was crucified on the cross.

According to Christian belief, Jesus chose to suffer and die on this day as the ultimate sacrifice for people’s sins, fulfilling the prophecy that God had promised in the Bible. After Good Friday comes Holy Saturday. It's the day Jesus’ body lay in the tomb after his crucifixion. It's a day of reflection and waiting. Lastly, the Holy Week concludes with Easter Sunday, celebrated on March 31, 2024. Easter is extremely meaningful for Christians. It's the day Jesus rose from the dead, showing his victory over death. This event is the foundation of the Christian faith and brings hope and joy to believers worldwide. Palm Sunday: Send Hymns, Biblical Quotes, Verses, Jesus Christ Wallpapers, SMS & GIFs To Observe the First Day of Holy Week.

Holy Week 2024 Calendar

Event Date
Holy Week Starts and Ends On March 24 - 30, 2024
Palm Sunday March 24, 2024
Holy Monday March 25, 2024
Holy Tuesday March 26, 2024
Spy Wednesday March 27, 2024
Maundy Thursday March 28, 2024
Good Friday March 29, 2024
Holy Saturday March 30, 2024
Easter Sunday or Resurrection Sunday March 31, 2024

As we approach the end of the Lent period, the Holy Week, let’s continue to carry the spirit of reflection and renewal forward. Let’s vow to live like Jesus, living with compassion and love in our daily lives. As we journey beyond this week, let’s promise to be the best versions of ourselves, guided by the timeless teachings of love, faith, and hope. Let the essence of Holy Week resonate in our hearts and guide us to a more compassionate and better future.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Mar 14, 2024 10:10 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).

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