Holy Saturday is the last day of the Holy Week and precedes the arrival of Easter. Holy Saturday 2021 will be commemorated on April 3. Also known as the Great Sabbath, Black Saturday, Hallelujah Saturday or Easter Eve, this observance is extremely significant for Christians across the world. It signifies the day that Jesus Christ’s body lay in the tomb and the Harrowing of Hell. To commemorate this day with the community, people often share Holy Saturday messages, Images and Pictures of Holy Saturday 2021, WhatsApp Stickers and Facebook Status Pictures.
It is believed that Jesus Christ was crucified on Good Friday and His spirit left the body as the sky turned dark. After this, Joseph of Arimathea laid Jesus’ body in a tomb. It is believed that between his crucifixion on Good Friday and resurrection on Easter, Jesus Christ descended to hell triumphantly to bring salvation to all the righteous who had died since the beginning of the world. This is known as the Harrowing of Hell and is also observed on the day of Holy Saturday.
There are various observances that are particularly followed to mark Holy Saturday. One of the most common practices is to attend services at church. People also share Holy Saturday messages, Images and Pictures of Holy Saturday 2021, WhatsApp Stickers and Facebook Status Pictures with their family and friends to mark this day.

WhatsApp Message Reads: Holy Saturday
His Cross Stands Empty in a World Grown Silent
Through Hours of Anguish and of Dread.
In Stillness, Earth Awaits the Resurrection,
While Christ Goes Down To Wake the Dead.

WhatsApp Message Reads: “For if We Have Been United With Him in a Death Like His, We Will Certainly Also Be United With Him in a Resurrection Like His.” Roman 6:5
Holy Saturday

WhatsApp Message Reads: Holy Saturday
There Is a Great Silence on Earth Today,
A Great Silence and Stillness,
Silence Because the King Is Asleep.
God Has Died in the Flesh And
Hell Trembles With Fear.

WhatsApp Message Reads: “…Why Do You Seek the Living One Among the Dead? He Is Not Here, but He Has Been Raised.” Luke 24:15. Holy Saturday

WhatsApp Message Reads: For Christ Also Died for Sins Once for All, the Just for the Unjust, so That He Might Bring Us to God, Having Been Put to Death in the Flesh, but Made Alive in the Spirit…1 Peter 3:18
Download WhatsApp Stickers
WhatsApp has introduced many stickers for users to download the collection of stickers, available online. To get the latest collection of WhatsApp stickers, Android phone users can visit the Play Store app or click HERE.
Holy Saturday also marks the last day of Lenten season, which is the 40-day fast that various Christians observe. During Lent, people steer away from consuming any form of meat and also observe fasts. It is said to signify the 40 days that Jesus spent fasting in the desert. The next day, Easter is a grand celebration for Christians across the world, and it marks the resurrection of Christ.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Apr 03, 2021 07:36 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).