Happy Parsi New Year 2020 Wishes & Nowruz HD Images: Parsi New Year will be celebrated in India on August 16, 2020. This occasion is also known as Navroz or Nowruz is one of the main festivals of the Parsi community. Ahead of Parsi New Year, Pateti is observed in which Parsis wear new clothes, visit the Fire Temple and pray for repentance, prosperity, health and wealth. Be sure to never wish any Parsi Pateti Mubarak, as it is the last day in Parsi calendar which is observed as the day of repentance where Parsis repent their sins and promise that they will make a better start next year. Meanwhile, you have arrived at the right platform, if you are looking for Happy Parsi New Year 2020 Wishes, HD Images, WhatsApp stickers, Facebook messages, GIF greetings and SMS to celebrate Navroz. Parsi New Year 2020: Significance of Pateti and Why You Should Not Wish ‘Pateti Mubarak’ Ahead of Nowruz Celebrations.
The Parsi New Year is also known as Jamshed-i-Navroz after the Persian King, Jamshed, who is credited to have created the Persian Calendar known as the Shahenshahi Calendar. Nowruz is celebrated to mark the beginning of the new Iranian calendar. In Persian, ‘Nav’ means new, and ‘Roz’ stands for the day, this literally translates to ‘new day’. This tradition is believed to have begun over 3,000 years ago and is observed by Iranians and the Parsi community around the world. In India, Navroz is celebrated widely in Maharashtra and Gujarat due to sizeable Parsi population. When is Pateti 2020? Date, Significance, History and Rituals of the Parsi Observance That Falls Ahead of Navroz or Parsi New Year.
Unfortunately, this year, the world is hit by coronavirus pandemic, due to which not much outdoor function will take place to avoid the spread of COVID-19 germs. However, you can stay indoors and decorate your home with lights, flowers and rangolis. You can also enjoy various Parsi delicacies with your family members. Apart from this, you can reach out to your relatives, friends, colleagues and loved ones by sending out Happy Parsi New Year 2020 quotes, HD images, wallpapers, wishes. stickers and GIF greetings which is available for free download below.

WhatsApp Message Reads: May the Festival of Lights Be the Harbinger of Joy and Prosperity. As the Holy Occasion of Pateti Is Here And The Atmosphere Is Filled With the Spirit of Mirth and Love. Best Wishes on Parsi New Year 2020.

WhatsApp Message Reads: Here’s Hoping This Festival of Beauty Brings Your Way, Bright Sparkles of Contentment, That Stay With You Through the Days Ahead. Happy Parsi New Year 2020