Good Friday 2019: 5 Facts to Know About The Holy Friday
It's strange to call a day 'good' when it represents Jesus' death. Most people misunderstand Good Friday to be a happy day as it has the word 'good' in it.
New Delhi, April 18: It's strange to call a day 'good' when it represents Jesus' death. Most people misunderstand Good Friday to be a happy day as it has the word 'good' in it. Good Friday, also known as Holy Friday or Black Friday signifies the day when Jesus Christ was crucified on the cross. It is a day of mourning and one needs to acknowledge the significance of the day while sharing good wishes with prayers. Good Friday Images for Free Download Online: Send Good Friday 2019 Messages and Quotes in Remembrance of Jesus Christ.
Few facts one need to know about Good Friday -Why the day is called "Good Friday"No one is sure where the name "Good Friday" actually came from. There are many assumptions on to why it is called 'Good Friday'. Many believe that there is a good thing about this day. Believing it was the day when Messiah died for human's sin and also it was the start of his resurrection.
On the other hand, some believe the word 'Good' has the same meaning as the English word, holy. Thus, this day is also known as Holy Friday.No Meat on Good FridayGood Friday of the Lenten season is followed by Lenten fasting rules. On this day Catholics don't consume meat. They can eat one complete meal and two smaller ones on Good Friday. 33 Bell TollsAround the world, there are several traditions followed on Good Friday. One among them is ending Good Friday service with tolling church's bell 33 times. Good Friday is much older than Christmas celebration of Good Friday is far older than the Celebration of Christmas. Even the Bible nowhere declares any date of Jesus' birth but does specify crucifixion. Good Friday 2019 Photos and Quotes: WhatsApp Messages, GIF Images, Hymns and SMS to Send on Holy Friday.
Jesus was betrayed Jesus Christ was betrayed for thirty pieces of silver by Judas Iscariot. He was one of his twelve disciples. Good Friday is one of the most important festivals for Christians around the world. On this day they make a point to forgive and remember prayer to focus on what Jesus did for mankind.