It is not just Friendship Day or Sister's Day today, it is also National Girlfriends Day 2021! Yes, a day dedicated to girlfriends around the world. It is celebrated every year on the first of August. This aims at thanking all your female friends who mean a lot in your life. Make your girlfriends happy today by gifting them something special or taking them out. We love spending time with them laughing together and sharing secrets. And as we celebrate National Girlfriends Day 2021, we bring to you some beautiful wishes you can send your girlfriend. We also have WhatsApp Stickers, Facebook Greetings, GIF Images, SMS and Messages that you can post on Instagram, WhatsApp and Facebook Stories.
It all started during the 1920s when people started using the term girlfriend for their romantic partners. Nowadays, the word can be used in more than one way. Girlfriend can mean both female friend or female romantic partner depending on the context. At times, expressing your feelings through words can be difficult so we have for you Girlfriends Day 2021 wishes and HD images can be useful. You can download these Happy Girlfriends Day 2021 messages, super cool GIFs, WhatsApp stickers, photos and greetings to share via Facebook or in your next Instagram post with your girlfriend.

WhatsApp Message Reads: Happy Girlfriend Day, Baby! You Are My Precious Treasure!

WhatsApp Message Reads: Happy Girlfriend Day, Love. Thanks for Fulfilling My Life With Happiness, Joy, and Every Good Thing.