The Autumnal Equinox also known as September Equinox marking the first day of the fall season falls between September 21 and 24 every year and is the time when the Sun appears to cross the celestial equator heading southwards. This year, it will be observed on September 23, Friday. The word "equinox" is derived from the Latin words "Aequu" and "Nox," which mean "equal" and "night" respectively. This signifies that on this day, one can experience an equal length of day and night. Also, on the first day of fall, the earth’s axis is perpendicular to that of the Sun’s rays, which means all regions on earth receive an almost equal number of hours of sunlight. Here's a collection of Happy First Day of Fall 2022 wishes, Autumnal Equinox greetings, First Day of Fall 2022 images and HD wallpapers to share with one and all celebrating the autumn season. Fall Season 2022 Food Ideas: Try Out These Delicious Recipes on Autumn Equinox To Celebrate the Changing Season.
The First Day of Fall marks the end of astronomical summer and the beginning of astronomical autumn in the northern hemisphere. It also signifies the end of astronomical winter and the beginning of astronomical spring in the southern hemisphere. The dates vary every year because of the difference between the calendar year and the tropical year. To mark the First Day of Fall 2022, you can download and send wishes, HD images, messages and greetings to all your near and dear ones on this day. Autumnal Equinox 2022 Start Date: When Is the First Day of Fall? From Meaning to Significance, Everything To Know About September Equinox.
Happy First Day of Fall 2022 Wishes

First Day of Fall 2022 Wishes Read: The First Day of Fall Is Here and Wish You a Very Happy and Fun-Filled Autumn Season Ahead.
Happy First Day of Fall 2022 Greetings