The crescent moon, marking the end of Ramadan and the start of Shawwal month, has not been sighted anywhere in Maharashtra, Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh. Hence, Muslims in these states will observe 30th Ramzan on Sunday, May 24, and celebrate Eid-al-Fitr on Monday, May 25.
Eid Moon Sighting 2020 in Maharashtra, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh: Shawwal Crescent Not Sighted, Eid-al-Fitr to be Celebrated on May 25
Catch live updates on the Eid moon sighting in Maharashtra, Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh here.
Mumbai, May 23: Muslims residing in Maharashtra, Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh will attempt to sight the crescent moon this evening, which is 29th Ramadan or Ramzan. With the sighting of the crescent moon, the ongoing Ramzan month will end and Shawwal month will begin in Maharashtra, Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh. Eid or Eid-al-Fitr is celebrated on the first day of Shawwal month. Catch live updates on the Eid moon sighting in Maharashtra, Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh here. Eid al-Fitr 2020 Wishes: WhatsApp Stickers, GIF Images, Facebook Messages, Quotes and SMS to Send Greetings of Eid Muba
The sighting of the moon assumes significance as the Islamic calendar follows the lunar cycle. Therefore, a month is either 29 or 30-day long. On 29th of the ongoing month, Muslims attempt to sight the moon. If the moon is sighted, a new month begins. If the moon remains invisible, the ongoing month completes 30 days. Subsequently, a new month begins from the next day. Eid Moon Sighting in India, Chand Raat 2020 Live News Updates.
If the crescent moon is sighted this evening in Maharashtra, Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh, Eid or Eid-al-Fitr will be celebrated on Sunday, May 24. If the moon does not appear, Muslims living in the three states will observe 30th day of Ramadan on Sunday (May 24) and Eid will be celebrated on Monday, May 25. With the sighting of the crescent moon, Shawwal month will also start. Stay connected with us to catch live updates on the Eid moon sighting in Maharashtra, Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on May 23, 2020 05:42 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website