Easter is a Christian festival that commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Easter 2020 will be marked on Sunday, April 12. The day is generally celebrated with grand celebrations across countries. However, due to coronavirus lockdown, festivities have been cut short this year. People across countries are working from home as governments have announced lockdown to curb the spread of the deadly disease. As people are at homes, we have customised a list of Easter messages to send your employees this Sunday. If you have been looking for Easter wishes and messages to share with your colleagues or workers, then we have got you covered. It also includes Easter 2020 WhatsApp Stickers, Facebook Greetings, GIF Images, SMS and messages which you can share with office employees. Easter 2020 Brunch Recipe Ideas: From Orange Ricotta Pancakes to Asparagus Frittatas; 7 Dishes to Try This Easter Sunday.

According to the Bible, Jesus was beaten and was crucified on Calvary mountain in 33 AD. The day is observed as Good Friday which is a part of Holy Week. According to Christian beliefs, on the third day, Jesus rose from the dead. His resurrection is celebrated as Easter by Christians. Easter 2020 will be observed on April 12. Meanwhile, here are Easter wishes and greetings to share with your people at work. Easter Sunday 2020 Sermons: Preachings And Messages on Resurrection of Jesus to Share on the Holy Festival (Watch Videos)

Easter 2020 Greetings For Employees (Photo Credits: File Photo)

Easter 2020 WhatApp Messages: Easter Greetings to Everyone! Hope You Are All Safe With Your Families at Home This Year.

Easter Greetings For Employees (Photo Credits: File Photo

Easter 2020 Facebook Greetings: May Your Easter Be Filled With Love and Happiness. We Hope the Current Situation Ends Soon and We Can All Celebrate Together.

Easter Wishes For Employees (Photo Credits: File Photo)

Easter 2020 WhatApp Messages: Easter Greetings to You! Hope This Festival Bring Peace and Joy to Your Family.

Happy Easter GIF!

Happy Easter 2020 Messages (Photo Credits: File Photo)

Easter 2020 Facebook Greetings: May Your Heart and Soul Be Blessed With the Holy Spirit of Easter Time! Let’s Pray and Hope the World Emerges Successful From This Pandemic.

Happy Easter Messages (Photo Credits: File Photo)

Easter 2020 WhatApp Messages: May This Beautiful Springtime Bring You the Greatest Feelings of Gratitude, Love, Compassion, Hope, and Faith. Happy Easter!

Easter WhatsApp Stickers

As WhatsApp is a widely used instant-messaging people, people now also use the medium to send festival greetings and birthday wishes. You can also download Easter WhatsApp Stickers from PlayStore and send it to your loved ones. We wish you all Happy Easter and hope you remain safe and healthy.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Apr 09, 2020 07:44 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).