If you're looking for latest Happy Bhogi 2020 HD images and wallpapers along with other greetings, quotes, messages and wishes, you will find them all here. Pongal, the four-day harvest festival celebrated in Tamil Nadu witnesses a significant celebration. The festival will begin on January 15, 2020, with Bhogi being the first day of Pongal. On this day, people discard their old belongings and celebrate new possessions. Apart from the traditional worshipping of Lord Indra, the god of rains, people also share their warm and thoughtful wishes to their near ones. Pongal 2020 will be observed from January 15 to January 18—the four-day celebrations witness Bhogi, Thai Pongal, Mattu Pongal and Kaanum Pongal. While you focus on the traditional preparations for the auspicious festival, we have taken care of Bhogi 2020 HD images and wallpapers that you can download for free online and send across to your family and friends. These Happy Bhogi 2020 images will serve you best when you send the WhatsApp stickers and wishes to send greetings on the first day of Pongal. We have also attached supercool Bhogi GIFs to add more charm to the festivity. Latest Pookalam Designs for Pongal 2020: Simple Flower Rangoli Patterns and Kolam Designs to Decorate Your House During the Festive Season.
Sending images and wallpapers during the festival celebrations has become a tradition for the festival lovers across. The traditions are not limited to religious offerings, get together and food arrangements any more; it extended to the sending of festival greetings to near ones. The celebration of Pongal 2020 will also not be any less. For the first day of Pongal 2020, here we bring you the best Bhogi 2020 images and wallpapers for you to download for free. You can send these Bhogi 2020 images along with the festival texts, we have mentioned below the wallpapers. Pongal 2020 Date and Shubh Muhurat: History, Significance, Thai Pongal Rituals and Celebrations of the Annual Tamil Festival.
WhatsApp Message Reads: May This Festival of Zeal and Verve, Fill Your Life With Lots of Energy and Enthusiasm and May It Help You Bring Happiness and Prosperity to You and Your Loved Ones. Happy Bhogi to One and All!
WhatsApp Message Reads: The Sun Has Embarked, on a New Journey-Time. For Auspicious Rituals and Festivities. Wish You Resplendent Joy and Success.