Bhim Jayanti, also known as Equality Day, celebrates the birth anniversary of Dr BR Ambedkar. He was an influential politician, social reformer, activist and lawyer who played a dominant role in shaping the constitution of India. Bhim Rao Ambedkar was born on 14 April 1892 in a poor Mahar family. He belonged to a low-caste community and always fought against discrimination against the oppressed. He adopted Buddhism and inspired many people to do the same. As you observe Bhim Jayanti 2023, we at LatestLY have bought a collection of HD Images and wallpapers you can download and send to all your near and dear ones as greetings for the day. Send Happy Babasaheb Ambedkar Jayanti Banners, Quotes and Greetings on April 14
Dr. BR Ambedkar was India’s first independent law minister. Bhim Jayanti pays respect to the life of renowned polymath, jurist, economist and civil rights activist Dr Bhim Rao Ambedkar. On this day, people share messages, images and quotes related to the life of Ambedkar with their near and dear ones to remember him on his birth anniversary. Here is a collection of HD Images and wallpapers you can download and send to all your friends and family as greetings for Equality Day 2023. Ambedkar Jayanti 2023 Greetings in Hindi, SMS and WhatsApp Messages and Images Honouring the Father of the Indian Constitution.
Bhim Jayanti 2023 Images in Marathi

Bhim Jayanti 2023 Images in Marathi

Bhim Jayanti 2023 Images in Marathi