Today marks the last day of the five-day festivities of Diwali. On the last day, i.e. November 9, people are celebrating Bhai Dooj, an occasion marking the pious relationship between a brother and a sister. In Hinduism, two festivals celebrate the sibling bond, one is Raksha Bandhan and the other is Bhai Dooj. The festival is also known as Bhai Phota in West Bengal and Bhau Beej in Maharashtra. Below we tell you the significance of celebrating the festival and puja tika or tilak muhurat or auspicious timings. Bhai Dooj 2018 Images in HD & WhatsApp Stickers for Free Download Online: Best Bhai Tika Wallpapers, GIF Greetings and Messages to Wish Happy Bhau Beej.

Significance of Celebrating Bhai Dooj

The word ‘Bhai’ means brother and ‘Dooj’ means the second day after the new moon. There are several stories associated with every Hindu festival. Bhai Dooj is one of the oldest festivals in the country. According to one popular legend, after Lord Krishna killed evil king Narakasura, he visited his sister Subhadra who welcomed him with sweets and flowers and applied tilak on Krishna’s forehead. Krishna blessed her with many boons. As per another popular legend, Yamraj, Lord of Death once visited his sister Yamuna. His sister welcomed him with aarti and applied tilak on Yama’s forehead. It is believed that Yama gave her a boon that whoever celebrated Bhai Dooj with his sister and took bath in the holy river will not go to hell.

Bhai Dooj Puja Tika Time

Bhai Dooj Tika Muhurat – 01:29 pm to 03:43 pm

Dwitiya Tithi Begins – 09:07 pm on November 8, 2018

Dwitiya Tithi Ends – 09:20 pm on November 9, 2018

On this day, sisters pray for their brothers long and happy lives by performing the tilak ceremony and brothers offer gifts to their sisters. Tilak ceremony is the most common ritual during Bhai Dooj. Sisters apply vermillion and sandalwood paste tilaks and pray or their brother’s prosperity. In return, brothers vow to protect their sisters from evil forces. This Bhai Dooj or Bhau Beej, celebrate the festival with great enthusiasm and fervour.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Nov 09, 2018 08:38 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website