Arudra Darshan, also known as Thiruvathirai, is a significant Hindu festival dedicated to Lord Shiva, particularly in his form as Nataraja, the cosmic dancer. Celebrated during the Tamil month of Margazhi (December-January), this auspicious day falls on the Arudra (Thiruvathirai) star and the full moon. This year it will be observed on Monday, January 13. It symbolises the cosmic dance of creation, preservation, and destruction, signifying the eternal cycle of life. To celebrate Arudra Darshan 2025, we bring you Arudra Darshan images, photos and Thiruvathirai HD wallpapers for free download online to share with Arudra Darshan greetings and messages. Thiruvathirai 2025 Date: Know Thiruvathirai Nakshathram Timings, Significance and Rituals To Celebrate the Tamil Festival Dedicated to Lord Shiva.
The celebration is most prominent in Tamil Nadu and parts of South India, especially at the Chidambaram Nataraja Temple, where devotees gather in large numbers to witness the special rituals and processions. The sacred Abhishekam (ritual bathing) of the Nataraja idol and the offering of elaborate prayers are the highlights of the day. The temple is adorned with flowers and lamps, creating a divine atmosphere for devotees to experience spiritual upliftment. As you observe Arudra Darshan 2025, share these Arudra Darshan images, photos and Thiruvathirai HD wallpapers along with greetings and messages to celebrate the cosmic dance of Lord Shiva. Thiruvathirai 2025 Date, Auspicious Timings and Significance: Know About Arudra Darshan, the Festival Dedicated to Lord Shiva.
Arudra Darshan Images
Arudra Darshan (Photo Credits: File Image)
Arudra Darshan Images
Arudra Darshan (Photo Credits: File Image)
Arudra Darshan Images
Arudra Darshan (Photo Credits: File Image)
Thiruvathirai Images
Thiruvathirai (Photo Credits: File Image)
Thiruvathirai Nakshathram Images
Thiruvathirai Nakshatram (Photo Credits: File Photo)
Fasting and preparation of special dishes like Thiruvathirai Kali (a sweet dish made of rice, jaggery, and lentils) and Ezhu Kari Kootu (a vegetable curry) are integral parts of the celebration. These dishes symbolise abundance and gratitude and are offered to Lord Shiva before being consumed by devotees. Many also observe the day with prayers, chanting of Shiva mantras, and visiting temples to seek blessings for prosperity and well-being.
Arudra Darshan holds deep spiritual significance as it emphasizes the divine rhythm of the universe. The festival reminds devotees of the importance of surrendering to the cosmic will and aligning their lives with dharma (righteousness). Through devotion and rituals, Arudra Darshan inspires individuals to connect with the divine energy of Lord Shiva and experience inner peace and harmony.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jan 13, 2025 06:15 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website
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Thiruvathirai (Photo Credits: File Image)
Thiruvathirai Nakshathram Images
Thiruvathirai Nakshatram (Photo Credits: File Photo)
Fasting and preparation of special dishes like Thiruvathirai Kali (a sweet dish made of rice, jaggery, and lentils) and Ezhu Kari Kootu (a vegetable curry) are integral parts of the celebration. These dishes symbolise abundance and gratitude and are offered to Lord Shiva before being consumed by devotees. Many also observe the day with prayers, chanting of Shiva mantras, and visiting temples to seek blessings for prosperity and well-being.
Arudra Darshan holds deep spiritual significance as it emphasizes the divine rhythm of the universe. The festival reminds devotees of the importance of surrendering to the cosmic will and aligning their lives with dharma (righteousness). Through devotion and rituals, Arudra Darshan inspires individuals to connect with the divine energy of Lord Shiva and experience inner peace and harmony.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jan 13, 2025 06:15 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website