Tamannaah recently made headlines when she was announced as the lead actress opposite Chiranjeevi in his next, Bholaa Shankar. The actress was spotted at the film's pooja ceremony and boy, did she look radiant! Tamannaah was all decked up in a stunning ethnic attire and she looked like a million bucks. She kept her outfit of the day (#ootd) pretty simple but elegant enough to have everyone's attention. It was a simple yellow saree that certainly looked alluring on the pretty lady. Yo or Hell No? Khushi Kapoor in an Icy Blue Anita Dongre Lehenga Choli.
Tamannaah's yellow saree belonged to the house of Abu Jani & Sandeep Khosla. It was a radiant attire and her simple styling amplified its look further. With a pair of statement earrings to go with, she didn't go overboard with her jewellery. Glossy lips, blushed cheeks, nude eyelids, well-defined brows and hair tied in a messy bun, rounded off her look further. A clear winner from our end, what's your take on it? Yo or Hell No? Sara Ali Khan's Floral Embellished Lehenga Choli By Mishru.
Tamannaah in Abu Jani & Sandeep Khosla
Are you as smitten as we are with her new ethnic look or do you think it's too boring for your taste? Drop in your thoughts on Twitter or simply choose the desired option from the box below.
Tamannaah in Abu Jani - Sandeep Khosla, Yo or Hell No?
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Nov 12, 2021 03:05 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).