Mumbai, September 5: Actor Sonam Kapoor on Thursday offered prayers and sought the blessings of Lord Ganpati at the Andheri cha Raja. As the celebrations for the 10-day long festival of Ganesh Chaturthi are underway, Sonam visited the famous life-size Ganpati idol where she prayed the Ekdanta. Sonam who is widely known for her sartorial elegance accoutred in a full-sleeved red and golden floor-length anarkali which she paired with a solid red dupatta. The actress sported the complete ethnic look with a neatly tied bun and a pair of large golden jhumkas. Yo or Hell No: Sonam Kapoor in an Off-Shoulder Maxi Dress by Georges Hobeika for The Zoya Factor Trailer Launch.
Not only the 34-year old but others from the film fraternity are also immersed in the bhakti of Bappa. Earlier this month, Vivek Oberoi and Daisy Shah hosted grand Ganesh Chaturthi celebrations at their homes. Actor Shilpa Shetty who brought home Ganpati idol on Sunday, bid him farewell with utmost pomp and splendour on Wednesday.
Sonam is Giving Major Festive Look Goals in This Red Anarkali
Shilpa danced and sang along with husband Raj Kundra and son Viaan on dhol beats and drum. Salman Khan too performed Aarti with sister Arpita Khan and brother-in-law Aayush Sharma along with their son Ahil. His family members, including brother Sohail and Arbaaz Khan, mother Salma Khan and Helen, also took part in the puja.