Radhika Madan, the television actress-turned-silver screen delight is on a roll. She is all set to feature alongside stalwarts like Irrfan Khan, Kareena Kapoor Khan and Deepak Dobriyal in Angrezi Medium. Making every promotional style count, she has partnered up with fashion stylist Sukriti Grover. Her back-to-back fashionable tidings have us hooked, booked and cooked. Flipping from a dress to a skirt to now a corset top and denim look, Radhika has been a delight. With her petite frame, flawless beauty and a dazzling smile perfectly in place, Radhika rarely locks horns with the fashion police. Making even a basic style look like a well-curated vibe, Radhika blends chic with comfort and is a stylist's delight. Additionally, she never shies from experimenting. The promotions of Angrezi Medium have Radhika exploring this experimental vibe to the fullest.
The resurgence of age-old styles and their adaptability into spunky and sleek ones have one more glorious update. The corset top - denim vibe is here to stay and here's how Radhika aced it. Radhika Madan Keeps It Slick, Sleek and Sassy With a Printed Dress for Angrezi Medium Promotions!
Radhika Madan - Besotted by Corset
A white corset top and inside out mom denim from Mistress Rocks were teamed with sleek yellow pumps. Statement earrings by Deepa Gurnani, textured wavy low back ponytail and subtle makeup completed her look. Radhika Madan Kickstarts Angrezi Medium Promotions With a Pop of Pink, Some Checks and Oodles of Sass!
The Homi Adajania directed comedy-drama Angrezi Medium is a spin-off to Hindi Medium (2017). Featuring Irrfan Khan and Kareena Kapoor, the film is set to be released on 20 March 2020. She will also be seen in Shiddat: Journey Beyond Love, a romantic drama directed by Kunal Deshmukh also featuring Sunny Kaushal, Mohit Raina and Diana Penty in lead roles, slated for a release this year in September.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Mar 02, 2020 01:37 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).