Jawaani Jaaneman actress, Alaya F is featuring a lot in our fashion articles these days. Pooja Bedi's darling daughter, who entered Bollywood in 2020 is yet to be seen in her second big outing but we are swooning over her already. From her stunning dance videos to social media uploads and fashion shenanigans, Alaya makes the most of her social media presence and we aren't complaining. Recently, the star kid stunned in many traditional attires, one by Anita Dongre and another by Vani Vats. Next in line was a pretty sharara set by Drishti & Zahabia.
Alaya's F pretty yellow outfit was just the right pick we needed for our haldi functions. It was a spaghetti-strapped sleeveless kurta paired with printed sharara pants and no dupatta. Alaya further stuck to her usual styling and ditched any major jewellery and picked a pair of statement earrings instead. With nude lips, highlighted cheeks, light eye makeup, well-defined brows and hair tied in a messy ponytail, she completed her look further.
Alaya F
Alaya F's Jawaani Jaaneman earned her some positive reactions from critics and viewers alike. She was easy on-screen and we definitely saw all the potential in her. Kabir Bedi's granddaughter will be next seen in the Hindi remake of the Kannada thriller, U-Turn. She also has Freddy with Kartik Aaryan. Amidst this, we bet the actress is busy reading multiple scripts and that her next announcement can come very soon.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Apr 02, 2022 09:00 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).