As Hrithik Roshan is gearing up for his most awaited release, Mrunal Thakur too is busy counting the days for her second Bollywood outing. The actress entered B-town with 2018 release, Love Sonia, that went on to bag some critical acclaim. After wowing critics with her debut act, she's ready to win their hearts as Supriya - Hrithik's romantic interest in this Anand Kumar biopic. The girl is learning to ace some fashion ropes and we believe she's already on the right track. Super 30: Hrithik Roshan and Mrunal Thakur Fulfill the Wish of Underprivileged Kids by Dancing with Them (Pics/Video).
Mrunal's style file throughout Super 30 promotions was a mixed affair. with some hits and misses on the way. We loved her traditional picks but her modern silhouettes had ample scope of improvement. Also, a major flaw in her dressing was the choice of her colour palette. She restricted herself to some basic colours that made her entire affair look monotonous. Some addition of bright colours with funky silhouettes would have helped her nail these promotional outings. We'll have a better look at all her outfits below. Exclusive! Did Mrunal Thakur reject Aamir Khan's Thugs of Hindostan? The actress answers...
Mrunal Thakur in Shruti Sancheti
Mrunal Thakur in Suave
Mrunal Thakur in Soleil Atelier
Mrunal Thakur in Raw Mango
Mrunal Thakur in Raw Mango
Mrunal Thakur in Divya Anand
Mrunal Thakur's next release is John Abraham's Batla House, that is slated to release on Independence Day 2019. While her career graph is showing some positive growth and is moving towards north, let's hope her association with fashion too sees an incredible change and we mean it positively of course.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jul 10, 2019 04:08 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website