Hunger Games actor, Liam Hemsworth, celebrates his birthday on January 12. The popular Australian actor whose good looks are enough to make a girl go weak in her knees is also a red carpet darling. His multiple appearances have made our hearts skip a beat and on days, even left us wanting for more. Liam is a sight for sore eyes in his well-tailored tuxedos and that coupled with his insanely good looks is a lethal combination to beat. Chris Hemsworth’s Brother Liam Hemsworth Wishes Him a Happy Birthday in a Hilariously Sweet Post (View Pic).
On days when Liam isn't shooting for his acting projects, he is busy setting the red carpet on fire with his incredible wardrobe and good looks. Much like his brother, Chris Hemsworth, Liam is extremely popular with the ladies population and we don't blame them, do we? These Australian brothers have well taken Hollywood by storm and their popularity will not recede anytime soon. So, if you plan to spend a lazy Saturday afternoon and need some pictures to ogle at, we think we can help you. Liam Hemsworth Birthday Special: Adorable Pictures of the Star With His Furry Best Friends That Are Too Cute To Be Missed (View Pics).
On Liam Hemsworth's birthday, let's check out a few of his dapper red carpet clicks, shall we?
Happy Birthday, Liam Hemsworth!
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jan 13, 2024 11:26 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website