Mumbai, March 17: Taapsee Pannu turned showstopper for designers Gauri & Nainika on the fourth day of the Lakme Fashion Week (LFW), where the actor took to the stage dressed in an all-black velvet off-shoulder mermaid gown. The Delhi-based designer duo presented their collection on Saturday at the fashion gala. The showcase began with models, styled in dresses with floral prints, walking down the ramp to the soft background music of a piano. The palette was full of diverse colours, ranging from magenta to light pink to silver. Soon, the music picked up pace, and the models appeared on the walkway dressed in more colourful ensembles. From Malaika Arora, Taapsee Pannu, Shehnaaz Gill to Ananya Panday - Celebs Sashay Down The Runway In Exquisite Couture At Lakme Fashion Week 2024 (Watch Videos).
From kurta suits to one-piece dresses, the outfits in red took over the stage. The change in shades continued: pink floral work on black-coloured garments, followed by yellow, orange, shades of brown, and grey, hit the spotlight. Towards the end, several gowns were showcased, and one of them saw Taapsee cast a spell in a black ensemble with a smattering of white.
The actor, who has worn many of Gauri & Nainika's creations for various events, said she was happy to officially be a showstopper for the designers.
"I am just happy that I got to work for them because I wore their outfits so many times. I felt great, officially being a muse for once," said Taapsee. Taapsee added that walking the ramp at the LFW lets her channel her personality, something she doesn't get to do in films. "Here I get to present my own self, my personality. It helps me to be there in front of you as Taapsee, not as a character. So I love doing that," she added. Shehnaaz Gill Trends on Twitter After She Aces Ramp Walk at Lakme Fashion Week; Fans Are in Awe of Her Ravishing Look (Check Tweets).
View Taapsee Pannu's Pics From the Lakme Fashion Week Here
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Taapsee Pannu Stuns in a Gauri and Nainika Creation
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Nainika Karan, one-half of the Gauri & Nainika label, gave an insight into the fabrics used for the collection. "There was a lot of cotton, which you saw in the dresses, and there was velvet, which Taapsee was wearing, and we finished it with crystals to kind of give it a luxurious appearance. We also used some chiffons with print and organza," she said.