Katrina Kaif is currently busy promoting her upcoming film, Bharat and we couldn't be happier because we get to see her bring out the best of fashion every day. Katrina has been sporting everything, from gorgeous Sarees to floral dresses for the promotions. Recently though, the actress was spotted at Mehboob studios for another promotional event where she left us stunned with her red hot avatar. Katrina chose a rather bright outfit today and looked gorgeous with her hair in an updo ponytail. Katrina Kaif Needs Nothing but a Simple Sweater to Look Insanely Hot; View Pic
Katrina's floral number and red high heels were sureshot winners for us but what we loved, even more, was how she ditched her usual pin-straight hair for a high ponytail. The Bharat star looked stunning and happily posed for the paps. The film stars her in the role of Kumud who seems to be an interesting character and is surely holding her own in the trailers as opposed to Salman Khan's character. Bharat: Salman Khan and His ‘Madam Sir’ Katrina Kaif Win Hearts on the Sets of Super Dancer Chapter 3! See Pics
Take a look at the pictures here:
Here's a video of Katrina Kaif arriving at Mehboob studios:
Earlier today, we saw Katrina Kaif's hottest photoshoot for Filmfare magazine where she is seen raising the temperatures in a sweater. But we have to say it is her recent red outfit for the promotions that truly left us swooning.
In terms of work, we will be soon seeing her on the silver screen with Bharat. Helmed by Ali Abbas Zafar, Bharat also stars Jackie Shroff, Disha Patani and Sunil Grover in lead role. Bharat will hit the screens on June 5, 2019.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on May 29, 2019 09:00 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).