When Kareena Kapoor Khan steps onto the scene, style and elegance are never far behind. Currently in Jeddah for the prestigious Red Sea International Film Festival 2024, the actress has already stunned everyone with her impeccable fashion on Day 1. After leaving fashion critics in awe with her striking purple gown, Bebo recently shared glimpses of Day 2 at the event. Dressed in a pristine white ensemble and basking in the sun, she effortlessly exuded grace—leaving behind nothing but a trail of sheer perfection. Kareena Kapoor Dazzles in a Dreamy Purple Gown at the Red Sea International Film Festival Opening, Actress Radiates Elegance in Chic Ensemble (View Pictures).
Kapoor Kapoor Khan Slays in All-White Look
Kareena Kapoor Khan, the epitome of sophistication, dazzled her followers with a series of breathtaking images from Day 2 of the Red Sea International Film Festival. The actress served ethereal charm in a white corset gown featuring a dramatic collar and a sweeping train that added a regal touch. Her makeup was flawlessly executed, with smoky eyes and a shimmering lip shade enhancing her glowing complexion. Check out her stylish look below. Red Sea International Film Festival 2024: Aamir Khan Receives Award for His Illustrious Career in Bollywood; Check Out His Winning Speech (Watch Video).
Kareena Kapoor Khan at Red Sea International Film Festival Day 2
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(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Dec 06, 2024 08:21 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).