Bollywood babe Janhvi Kapoor said goodbye to summer in style. As recently, the girl posted some sexy pictures of herself amid the sea on Instagram and they are wet-and-wild. The actress who is quite active on the gram always makes sure she serves some fashionable looks of hers on social media and at the same time also shells out style goals. Talking specifically about her latest photos, Janhvi can be seen wearing a bikini top with leopard printed bottoms and totally gives us 'Samundar Mein Nahake' vibes. Janhvi Kapoor Gives Us ‘Samundar Mein Nahake’ Vibes She Strikes a Sexy Pose in Bikini (View Pics).

Now, you'll know how much we at LatestLY are obsessed with finding out the cost of the outfits that our celebs wear. And Janhvi in her latest clicks can be seen donning a white bikini top from OOKIOH that blends in well with the contrasting bottoms. Having said that, her bikini top is not that expensive and comes at a decent price tag. As Janhvi strappy Corsica top is sold online at $50 which is approx Rs 3665. Janhvi Kapoor's Vivaciousness is On Display In Her New Magazine Cover (View Pics).

Janhvi Kapoor in Bikini: 


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Janhvi Kapoor's Bikini Top (Photo Credits: OOKIOH Website)

Kudos to Janhvi's team for always making her look sexy and stylish. Her latest avatar in a bikini is sure to wow you. The best part about it is that her top is great if you are planning to go to a beachy locale for a holiday soon. So, what say, did you like Janhvi's hot photos? Tell us your view in the comment section below.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jun 16, 2021 03:07 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website