It's hard to take our eyes off power couple Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli at Dior Mumbai Show. Virat and Anushka attended the international luxury giant Christian Dior's ongoing India-inspired pre-fall 2023 show in Mumbai. Anushka can be seen in a beautiful yellow dress and a matching Lady Diana mini bag. She kept her tresses open for the look. Virat, on the other hand, looked handsome in a khaki-toned suit and white shirt. He completed his stylish look with comfy white sneakers. ‘Crossing All Bridges’ Virat Kohli Shares Picture of Himself, Wife Anushka Sharma and Daughter Vamika From Their Rishikesh Trip.

Virat and Anushka's Outfits for the Dior Show 


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The couple flashed dazzling smiles as they posed for the paps at the event.

Anushka and Virat were also recently seen at the Indian Sports Honours event.

Set against the backdrop of the iconic Gateway of India, the French fashion brand celebrates the richness of Indian textiles and the show itself marks the first official calendar display by a prominent European luxury brand in India.

Maria Grazia Chiuri, Dior's current artistic director of women's collections, has collaborated with Mumbai-based atelier Chanakya School Of Craft to put together the luxury brand's ready-to-wear collection. Anushka Sharma Sales Tax Case: Bombay HC Rejects Actress' Petition, Asks Her to Approach Appellate Authority in Two Weeks.

In fashion terminology, pre-fall fashion refers to small capsule collections released by designers just ahead of the fall fashion shows in February, before they arrive in stores in early summer. Pre-fall fashion is usually unveiled in a less formal, smaller-scale runway show to the primary Fall and Spring Fashion Week shows. Apart from Anushka and Virat, Anaita Shroff Adajania, Maisie Williams, Shibani Akhtar, Ananya Panday, Sonam Kapoor, Athiya Shetty, Isha Ambani, and Radhika Merchant were among other celebs gracing the event.