Deepika Padukone just made your Friday night a lot more happening, thanks to her David Koma outfit. It's been a while since DP packed a punch with her sartorial affairs. While her earlier movies demanded her to dress up in ethnic attires and pave way for the traditional fest, Deepika finally attempted something bold and modish for Gehraiyaan promotions. The lady is certainly on a roll when it comes to her style offerings and her new bodycon dress is no different. Deepika Padukone Looks Tempting Hot as She Opts for a Black Bodycon Mini Dress for Gehraiyaan Promotions! (View Pics).

Deepika's beige and black flocked tulle dress featured a deep-V polo neckline with sharp lapels. It was cut in a sculpted, midi silhouette. The Ram Leela actress further paired her outfit with matching black pumps. Winged eyeliner, contoured cheeks, nude lips and hair tied in a ponytail completed her look further. Deepika also preferred ditching all her jewellery and settling for a pair of golden hoops instead. For those who are already hunting for Deepika's new dress, it's available on David Koma's website and is currently priced at Rs 51,200. Fashion Faceoff: Deepika Padukone or Nora Fatehi, Whose Version of Alex Perry Dress Gets Your Vote?

Deepika Padukone for Gehraiyaan Promotions

Deepika Padukone (Photo Credits: Instagram)

Deepika's sexy new outfit will definitely set some tongues wagging. Styled by her favourite, Shaleena Nathani, Deepika has managed to nail some brilliant looks in the past. Right from taking Cannes by storm to making appearances at Oscar after-party, she has impressed fashion critics all over the world and we simply can't wait to see what's next for us. Over to you, Deepika!

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Feb 04, 2022 10:55 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website