Ananya Panday recently took to her Instagram account to share new pictures from one of her photoshoots. The Student of the Year 2 actress who has all the right millennial wardrobe at her disposal took a 'wild' turn this time and the result was fascinating. Dressed in all-white attire, Ananys looked eccentric while her outfit exuded all the wild vibes. She further opted for a messy look to compliment her style and needless to say, she nailed it to the hilt. Liger: Ananya Panday Is All Smiles As She Captures A Moment With Legend Mike Tyson! (View Pic).
Ananya's distressed or should we say tattered outfit isn't for those who aren't fashionably inclined. You need to have the right kind of attitude that would justify such an attire Panday's white cut-out shirt was paired with a beige bralette and white pants with matching boots. She also opted for a messy hairdo to go with her equally messy look. Lastly, she rounded off her look by choosing nude lipstick, light eye makeup and contoured cheeks. Discovery+ New Shows Will Have Anil Kapoor, Ananya Panday in Star vs Food Season 2 & Sara Ali Khan in Action With Assam's Veerangana Force.
Ananya Panday
Ananya recently made headlines when the teaser of her next, Gehraiyaan was released by the makers. The movie will hit the OTT space on Amazon Prime in January next year. Directed by Shakun Batra, the movie also stars Deepika Padukone, Siddhant Chaturvedi and Dhairya Karwa.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Dec 28, 2021 10:06 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website