As versatile her film career is, dabbling into Hindi, Tamil and Telugu, Amyra Dastur is also a certified style chameleon. Amyra Dastur has had us hooked to her shenanigans in this lockdown. From showing off her makeup skills, dazzling with her shot at home pictures, Amyra has been every bit of delight! Amyra keeps her steady following of 1.9 million on Instagram hooked. A recent vibe saw her go bohemian chic. A flowy printed dress, messy hair and a subtle glow all rendered her as the perfect bohemian muse! Amyra began her career innings as a model and probably this is what allows her to understand fashion. Amyra's thriving vibe of effortless chic is evident in all of her looks. From simple to notching it up with unconventional cuts, silhouettes and unusual hues, Amyra's fashion arsenal is wondrous,  to say the least.

Here's a closer look at her recent stay-at-home, stay-chic style. When Amyra Dastur Fashioned Her Grandmother’s Gold Studs a La Vintage Charm to Her Resplendent Saree Vibe!

Amyra Dastur - Bohemian Chic

A flowy printed satin silk dress with halter neck detailing was teamed with messy textured hair and subtle natural makeup. Layered gold-toned necklaces completed the look. Amyra Dastur, the Femme Fatale in Bewitching Red and Brandishing That Perfect Shade of Red Lipstick!

Amyra Dastur is Boho Chic
Amyra Dastur is Boho Chic (Photo Credits: Instagram)

On the professional front, Amyra will be seen in Oodi Oodi Uzhaikanum, a Tamil comedy film with Santhanam and in Kadhalai Thedi Nithya Nandha and in Pilfer Singh, the remake of the Telugu movie Raju Gadu.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jul 29, 2020 07:27 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website