Coca-Cola to Come up With Four New Diet Coke Flavours- Ginger Lime, Feisty Cherry, Zesty Blood Orange & Twisted Mango

Will this new strategy appeal to the youth and give Coca-Cola the rise in sales they wish to see?

Photo courtesy: Diet coke, Twitter

Good news for the cola lovers. The beverage brand is coming up with four new flavours in their diet coke range. The new flavours will be fruit-induced- Diet Coke Ginger Lime, Diet Coke Feisty Cherry, Diet Coke Zesty Blood Orange and Diet Coke Twisted Mango. The classic diet coke will still be available though.

The beverage company is making a complete brand restage with the introduction of variety in the no-calorie Diet Coke. The revamped beverages are set to hit the stores in two weeks. “Millennials are now thirstier than ever for adventures and new experiences, and we want to be right by their side,” said Rafael Acevedo, the group director for Diet Coke in North America. The company wants to make the brand more relatable and what better way than to integrate flavours in the no-calorie beverage.

Coca-Cola has done its bit of research before they planned this relaunch. They apparently asked more than 10,000 people and found the American youth preferring more refreshing and great-tasting. Coca-Cola’s R&D team developed and tested more than 30 flavor combinations before finalizing on these four. So we can be sure these four may be the best ones which might work for the target audience.

There has been a slump in the sales of the beverage given the other fizzy drinks in competition. But adopting a strategy that appeals to the youth might just work. Their strategic use of millennial vocabulary like ‘feisty cherry, zesty, twisted mango’ is also apparent. Plus, for the packaging of these drinks, they have used very bright colors opposing the common grey and silver. So, even look wise it is very appealing.

With bolder tastes and dynamic branding look, let us see how successful this relaunch proves for the cola brand.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jan 11, 2018 03:45 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website

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