Beauty Idol Isa Jaime Is Revolutionizing the Global Fashion Industry
In the fast paced of global fashion, many stars burn out quickly, however a select few accomplish what the timeless icons like Karl Lagerfeld or Naomi Campbell have achieved: altering the vector of widespread pop culture trends.
In the fast paced of global fashion, many stars burn out quickly, however a select few accomplish what the timeless icons like Karl Lagerfeld or Naomi Campbell have achieved: altering the vector of widespread pop culture trends. Case in point, Mexican born top model, influencer and successful entrepreneur Isa Jaime.
The natural charm and effortless charisma that Ms. Jaime possesses has proven to be an invaluable asset when it comes to conquering the international fashion scene – Isa studied fashion design in Spain and fashion styling at the prestigious L´Institut Marangoni in Paris –and her story has proven to be a source of inspiration for countless young women who dream or conquering one of the most competitive industries in the world.
Isabel Jaime (or Isa, as her friends affectionately call her) is also one of the youngest female CEO´s in Latin America, successfully scaling her two companies: Radstate – a chic and refreshing line of refined California inspired street wear – and J´aime Beauty. The young entrepreneur´s French roots on both her mother and father´s side have certainly inspired Ms. Jaime to create a myriad of riveting and compelling products, targeted at highly discerning and fashion conscious consumers around the world.
Boasting an impressive following of nearly two hundred thousand fans on her official Instagram® profile, Isa´s captivating beauty and her keen eye for new trends have earned her a privileged spot under the spotlight.